( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel - from zero to solid easy endgame farming + Endgame build

  • [Caster] [] [HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel - From zero to easy endgame farming + Endgame build] (Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator) (Ralfhskz)
    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Dreeg’s evil eye, Curse of Frailty, Ascension, blood of Dreeg, Wendigo rush.

Sup, GD community!

If you’re starting on this game now and want that your first char is able to farm endgame content easy and fast, this build’s for you.

This char have a lot of acid, poison DoT bombing damage and have many sources of RR and healing, high phys resist, good mobilty and can destroy its enemies from distance with our two main damaging skills! (yeah, if you’re looking for a lazy facetanker, this build’s not for you, sorry)

In addition to all this, our gear are completely easy-to-farm and purchasable MI’s, some faction and craftable gear.

But enough talking… Let’s take a look on this toxic fella

Actual Char

Char Dmg

Char resists

This was one of the most enjoyable and easy leveling process i ever had on this game. I leveled this char like this:

Lvl 1-10 Occultist, Level 10 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I started the game as occultist, put points on Dreeg’s evil eye and melt things down easily early on.

Lvl 10-20 Occultist, Level 20 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Put points on DEE and on the mastery bar. When you reach vulnerability, put 1 point on curse of frailty and max it. On devotions, start with the dryad (bind its proc to CoF)

Lvl 20-30 Sentinel, Level 30 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

After defeating Krieg, go straight to old arkovia. On the way, it’s very important to get our first build MI, Ronaprax's Sting - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database. After you get it, go to the FG DLC and join first the Cult of Dreeg faction. Spend points on the Oathkeeper mastery bar!

Make your way until you reach tomb of sethan, here you will farm Sister Crimson for valuables MI’s, the Crimson's Vile Scepter - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database and Chosen Raiment - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database. You should farm all mobs you can on the way until you get Korvan Pauldrons - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database too.
On devotions, complete rat, jackal.

Lvl 30-40 Sentinel, Level 40 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Going back to the vanilla campaign, spend all your skill points on the oathkeeper mastery bar. On devotions, complete Murmur (bind its proc to CoF and bind Aegis of Menhir to dryad’s blessing) and manticore (bind its proc to DEE)

LVL 40-50 Sentinel, Level 50 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

At this point you should be on your way to malmouth after defeating the loghorrean. Don’t forget to visit vinelton shop on ancient grove and buy another great MI’s for our leveling, the Basilisk Fang - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database and one or two Vine Ring - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database. On malmouth, you can shop a good Colossal Defender - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database from Hyram’s shop (tbh, the leveling was so easy and calm that i forgot using this MI until LVL70/80 :rofl:)

Put one point on Summon guardian of empyrion, one point on scion of dreeg and start maxing up celestial presence Path of the Three skill and start maxing out Aegis of Menhir. On devotions, complete Behemoth.

Lvl 50-60 Sentinel, Level 67 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I started Elite difficulty around lvl 55. Don’t forget to cap resistances and upgrade your gear. Max out path of the three and start maxing out Aegis of Menhir amd avenging shield. On devotions, complete the Abomination.

Lvl 60-70 Sentinel, Level 67 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Continue your way trough the campaign (buy all faction reputation boosters available), don’t forget activating all totems you may find on your way. Start spending points on the occultist mastery bar until you reach aspect of the guardian, then put one point on blood of dreeg and max it.

Lvl 70-80 Sentinel, Level 80 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

On this lvl you should be on ultimate difficulty. Remember to cap resistances and upgrade your gear. After maxing out aspect of the guardian, start maxing presence of virtue and haven. On devotions, complete Yugol.

Lvl 80-90 Sentinel, Level 92 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

On Ultimate diffficulty, remember checking your resistances. Now you should be on a rush to get revered with factions. Don’t forget activating all totems you may find. After maxing presence of virtue and haven, start maxing out blood of dreeg.

Lvl 94-100 Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

Now it’s time to begin our endgame gear farm! First of all, upgrade your weapon, armor, rings, amulet, medal and be sure to reset hyram’s shop until you find a colossal defender shield with phys resist. Go farm dreeg’s guardian near devil’s crossing to get a decent Dreeg-Sect Legguards - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database. On gloves and boots, if you don’t have emberguard gauntlets or stoneplate greaves blueprints yet, you can use Elite Harvest Handguards - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database and Elite Legion Greaves - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database.

***the BiS glove to this build is the Mythical Viperfang Grips - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database, i was very lucky getting one just after i have already beat SR65 (was on my way to fight korvaak :rofl:), but don’t worry… the build works just fine even without it

You can use Dreeg Venomshroud Hood - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database on helmet, but i stayed with Elite Legion Headguard - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database (more Health/resists). Farm some gargoyles for your belt Gargoyle Girdle - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database, or you can craft a Rhowari Girdle - Items - Grim Dawn Item Database too.

With these upgrades you can farm all totems/dungeons and as said on title, this char made his way to SR65 like a breeze, and can farm it without much problems. Just remember to use ascension when surrounded and to kite and strike from distance as much as you can.

Char spec after obtaining BiS gloves: Sentinel, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator (had to farm another armor for resistance capping)

*****As i said on topic, i have and endgame build for this class, so you can use this spec to farm all the gear you need, then go try your skills on superbosses

Ty all for reading. Any question or suggestions, feel free to comment

( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel x Theodin Marcell

( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel x Korvaak

( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel x Kra’Vall

( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel x mad queen

( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel x Morgoneth

( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel x SR65 (before BiS gloves)

( HC Beginner acid AoM+DEE Sentinel x SR65 (after BiS gloves)


Everything i need at that time
Nice build for newbie like me bro

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Hey, just curious… the devotion power assigned to Summon Guardians of the Empyrion triggers on their attack not on clicking summon? Or any time they do damage (i.e. their aura)? Or do I have to spam the summon, thanks.

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hi! the ability always has a chance to proc when your guardians hit an enemy

Cool, I’ll give it a try.

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Which faction to choose, necromancers or inquisitors? Or does it not matter?

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Hey there. Well, it don’t really matters

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Is it possible to use this guide as a foundation to transition to this one later on?

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Yes, though SR’s going to be a bit tougher since you need to level up totally different devotions, but it’s definitely doable and far easier than a Chaos Occultist route :stuck_out_tongue:

Though could switch over to Oblivion at level 60 and go the shield based caster route making for an easier transition Devotions wise to vitality AoM. Since the MI belt allows you to shift much of the chaos to vitality and you can also pick up Doom Bolt as your nuke.

This depends though on having all the gear for The Vigil’s Bane already sorted of course (i.e. Voidsoul set, belt, gloves, amulet), and if you don’t have this this most excellent build S.E.P_Ralf’s done is definitely a good way to farm for it’s needed gear :3


did you think you can swap into Acid Retal with this??

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Yep. there’s a lot of endgame builds around acid retal sets for this class.

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