[] - Rimetongue Sniper - Cr 150, SR 76+

GrimTools: Infiltrator, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I was revisiting an ol’ favourite of mine - Piercing 2h ranged build using the Rimetongue set and the Runebinder’s Spellthrower with 100% elemental to Piercing conversion as a default attack.

With the Rimetongue’s DA debuff, and all of the wonderful WPS’ (Bursting Round, Chilling Rounds, Storm Spread, Blazing Fury on the medal and Jaxxon’s Lucky Bullet on the rings), the build is always landing decent-damage attacks. The overall damage output of the build is quite good as a result.

Video: SR 76

This build is loosely intended to be paired with some others, as it provides damage boosts via damage buffs, crit damage buffs and of course, blade trap which makes enemies susceptible to crits from all teammates. Inquisitor’s Seal and Horn of Gandar also provide nice protections for the team, and the occasional Word of Renewal does nicely to boost the team’s DA, resists, hp, CC resists and so on.

This build is designed to pair well with any of these other builds:



Creative combo. Haven’t seen this AA used for pierce build. I like it :ok_hand:

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A build that actually uses Blade Trap and Horn of Gandarr, it’s like a Unicorn in the wild.

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