[] Beginner's Fire Gunslinger Purifier

You take the entire constellation. This build doesn’t have any partial constellations, so it should be a little easier.

  • Rhowan’s Crown means you take all 5 points, including the Elemental Storm proc, which you tie to Fire Strike.

Thank you. I was originally talking about the levels to ES but figured out they level as you kill things, not using devotion points. Which is a neat mechanic.

Great guide, i came back to gd after 5 years and really needed a something like this.


Raylan Givens meets Ghost Rider Pew Pew Boom.

Most fun build!



Hey man, I was one of your first 2/300 subs on the tubes, and I stumbled across your purifier playthrough, good stuff so far! This seems like a good leveling help , and this build can go in 2 other end game directs, Justice set w/ The Desolator, or a Stronghold set Purifier.
I’m going to start this! My first Grim Dawn character was a pistol inquisitor, I loved all the pretty procs. :yum:

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What is the vendor trick you mention? New to the game and have no idea!

You can reset the stock of merchants by going to a different rift and counting to about 10 seconds, then come back and they should have new stuff. If they don’t have new stuff, try counting to 15 instead.

Been leveling my very first character with this. Great, detailed guide. Really appreciate it.

I have a dumb question: while the gear is really easy to get from the sources you’ve listed, how often should I be going back to get an updated version?

Probably every 10 levels if you want to be safe. Every 15 otherwise. It’s kind of a feel thing though, you’re not going to spontaneously combust if your boots happen to be 16 levels old.

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Will this build work if I used The Desolator instead of DW pistols at level 100? Having a rather hard time looking for the dagallon items

It would work OK with some changes… there’s already a Budget 2-handed Ranged Firestrike Purifier on the forum though. Might be better to take a look at that one.

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I finally got all the Dagallon pieces. For the Justice pieces, should I craft it at a specific Blacksmith?

Not OP obv but judging from GT, craft for sum slow res or physique.

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