[] Warborn Cadence 2H Warlord, No-MI All 3 superboss Killer(Calagadra: 1m 45s, Ravagar: 1m 42s, Mogdrgen: 1m 53s; No-Pharma, SR 86+)

In game version, my Warborn set Warlord is now stronger both offensively and defensively(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d8yUnoLnkSo). I keep the original build without revisions. I also posted my newly developed Elementalis here, Enjoy : https://forums.crateentertainment.com/t/1-2-1-0-baffling-elementalist-no-mi-no-doping-sr75-76-calagadra-1min-51sec-ravagar-2min-5sec/137139/3

Hello, would a Potent Covenā€™s Terror augment be better in your weapon?

+120% physical damage
+120% chaos damage
+120% internal trauma damage
+550 health
+8% health

If you choose ā€œPotent Covenā€™s Terrorā€, your DPS will be slightly lower and your health will be slightly higher in exchange. I donā€™t know which is better. Itā€™s up to you.

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