[] (Reborn Unified Edition) Two-Handed physical Leviathan WitchBlade, no-MI, no-doping, SR 92+, all superboss killer

Subsequent to my no-MI all Superboss killer pet Conjurer
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer Death Knight
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer Warder
and subsequent to my no-MI 3 superboss killer Warlord

I present my fifth no-MI 3-Superboss killer WitchBlade
(In fact, in the development sequence, the first character).

A true macho character doesn’t use a shield; he only takes down his enemies with simple, powerful physical force from his big, heavy club. He never shows his back, even in battles with super bosses like Ravager, Calagadra, and Mogdrozen. I consider a macho character like this to be a true hero, so I wanted to create such a character.

Is it possible to create a hero with reasonable and moderate effort who can take down three superbosses quickly, and jump into the middle of a huge group of enemies and take them down with one big, heavy club, and who also make you really happy during gameplay?

As such, this Witchblade was developed to take down 3 superbosses with no-MI, no pharma-doping, and to fearlessly jump into the middle of large-scale enemies like SR and wipe them out with a giant club. A true rough-and-tumble man who wears only boxer shorts and wields a rough club he picked up on the road to smash his enemies.

(1) Original Build:(11/November/2023): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/JVlob1l2

(2) Second Edition(22/November/2023): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/vNQP7w8Z
(with a goal of an additional 10% physical resist reduction + higher attack speed, amulet changed)

(3) Final Edition(02/December/2023): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YVWAde0N
(with a goal of obtaining higher DPS + additional attack power, shoes and devotion changed)
Here you can download a copy of the hero :
_csk0103.zip (1.8 MB)

(4) Ultimate Edition(24/February/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:) https://www.grimtools.com/calc/mN4Bw3RV
Devotion selection sequence: https://youtu.be/iY0axMPaWn0
(with a goal of higher DPS and better defense, Some Components and Devotion changed. Most notably, the Constellation Crab (damage absorption) has been added. All resists are much improved, and DPS is increased by 4400, but the Armor Rating is lower by 371 compared to the Final Edition, While the Ultimate Edition is overall better than the Final Edition, the lower Armor Rating will put you at a disadvantage when you’re surrounded by a lot of enemies that focus on physical damage. Nevertheless, for most situations in SR, I think Ultimate Edition has a better survivability advantage. Whether you go with Final or Ultimate is up to you. As the game version changes, your choices may change as well.)
Here you can download a copy of the hero :
Ultimate WitchBlade.zip (2.0 MB)
SR 75-76 (6min 47sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4KmP7lIq7E&t=111s
SR 90: https://youtu.be/lZrnta-rczw

(5) Unified Edition(Game Ver, 30/June/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:) :
(It was developed with the goal of perfectly combining the benefits of the Final Edition and Ultimate Edition. In particular, it was intended to be more powerful in SR. Accordingly, Devotion, components, and skills have changed a bit. As a result, SR 90-91 was completed in one fell swoop. I haven’t tried anything beyond that, but I’m looking forward to trying SR 95-96 in the near future)

Equipment/skill/devotion: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/YNnwYeG2
Devotion Selection Sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dA0BBD27BNA
Here you can download a copy of the hero :
Unified_WitchBlade(csk0103).zip (1.8 MB)

:arrow_right: vs Calagadra(1min 38sec; no pharma doping): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOl4Z6MOnk8&t=8s

:arrow_right: vs Ravagar of flesh(1min 38sec; no pharma doping): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-xSIsClCCxw

:arrow_right: SR 85-86: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZG-D2BhffGo&t=302s

:arrow_right: SR 90-91: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ce6790h_fog


My Advise :
I advise you to associate “Dryad’s Blessing” with your jump skill (Wings of Rylok), because it is not properly labeled in the grim tool, and also because, if you associate it with any other skill, you will not have a “100%” chance of (10% + approximately 800 blood-fill).

Keep WarCry, Dreeg’s blood, and Curse of Frailty active at all times. For the rest of the skills, hit them when you want to, that’s all. In particular, utilize the Curse of Frality, which is associated with Shifting Sands. When facing a large group of enemies, such as SR, pressing Curse of Frality very often will cause Shifting Sands to occur every second throughout the battle, providing you with a great deal of power and ensuring your survival.


Sick build, don’t forget to change patch number in your title to :stuck_out_tongue:
Otherwise people think this is an outdated build.

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I admit that my build is not great against Mogdrogen. Aside from that, is there anything else you don’t like about my build specifically? If you don’t like it just because it looks like a build you’ve seen many times before, I’m not willing to fix it, as eye-popping fresh build is not the purpose of this Witchblade’s development (^^). Currently, I’m testing some Devotion change and Shoe Armor swaps to increase my Stun Resist, Petrification Resist, and Health steal Resist.

Very impressive! Not only the build, the play style is also really great!

Hi sk_choi!

I’m a long time lurker on this board but I wanted to point out something out about the comment you received from RektbyProtoss. When someone says “sick build” that actually means they think the build is really good! “Sick” is slang for something cool or excellent.

Great build my friend.

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I’m not an English speaker, so I’ll take your word for it that “sick” was meant in a really good way. Now my wounds are healed (^^).

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This is a great build. It’s really nice that there’s no MI required, and very fun to play!

Hey Choi!

First of all this build is GREAT!

This post of yours gave me insparation to try to pull this off (sr 85-86, ravager-calla-mog kill without doping and only utilizing epic items) and today it became reality. :slight_smile:



Congrats! Impressive build, looks really great

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For the game version, I made some changes to my Witchblade after a long time. Small changes to components/skills/devotion, but very powerful, especially in SR.

I’ve also posted my new Elementalist, which I hope you’ll enjoy.