[] (elemental+bleeding, Bysmiel pet conjurer, No-MI, No doping, all-superboss killer; Ravagar: 1min 14sec, Mogdrogen: 1min 53sec, Cala: 2min 9sec)

Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer WitchBlade,
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer Death Knight.
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer Warder
and subsequent to my no-MI 3 superboss killer Warlord
I present my fifth no-MI all 4 Superboss killer pet conjurer.

I’ve seen countless posts asking "what fun do you get out of a pet conjurer who orders his pets to take down monster bosses while he just stands by and doesn’t even take them down himself?

Do you want to feel the fun of taking down tons of enemies, like warrior along with your pets, instead of just watching as a bystander? Do you want to take down all the super bosses quickly without the need for hard-to-obtain MI items?

The answer is my Bysmiel pet conjurer.

Old Edition:
Equipment/skill/devotion: https://www.grimtools.com/calc/RVvnD7JV

General Fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t9HAZ697Q00
SR 85~86 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0lXxCu36uwI
vs Calagadra(2min 42sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RI-yCT6hWKU
vs Ravagar(1min 26sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wKgfnwbjJ3w&t=15s
vs Mogdrogen(2min 33sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ylEtK29pkCI&t=14s
vs The Crate(32 sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=haHzYzEDf2w

New Edition (Pursuant to game ver; 07/July/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:):

Equipment/skill/devotion : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/d2jb98l2
(In game version, the game developers made a lot of changes to the options attached to the Pet Conjurer’s equipment, and made an effort to remove a lot of buttons that Pet Conjurer builds had to press. Therefore, based on the direction of changes made by developers, I also made a lot of changes to Skills and Devotion. The main direction of the changes was to make the pets survive the attacks of the superbosses longer. i.e. I put a lot of skill points into Mogdrogen’s Pact and Raven’s healing skill. Further, I removed the Manticore constellation from Devotion and added Typhos).

vs Calagadra(2min 9sec; no-pharma doping): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TMB9gC3KuJ8&t=8s

vs Ravagar of flesh(1min 14sec; no-pharma doping) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ruDAOEZHiUM&t=3s

vs Mogdrogen(1min 53sec; 1-pharma doping) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i6Dd7QjhEvg

vs The Crate(41 sec; no-pharma doping): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=960Bmeco1vc&t=2s

SR 75-76(6min 29sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C23WHYoesgQ&t=6s

SR 85-86(10min 40sec): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bilM_ihNjEY&t=292s

SR 90-91(16min 14sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hndkrpNBPTg&t=1s


Will you do a version of this build with MI?

There are no plans to develop an MI version. This is because I think there’s still a lot of room for improvement with minor tweaks to skill distribution and debuffs. Especially if I make my pets more defensible so that they may live longer, there’s still a lot of room for time savings on super bosses.

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In the game version, there are a lot of changes to Equipment’s Options of Pet Conjurer, and I’ve made a lot of changes to my Pet Conjurer build to match. The main direction of the changes was to make the pets survive longer against the attacks of the Superbosses. It’s not enough to satisfy me, but I think it’s a decent performance improvement over the old version. However, compared to my other no-MI Superboss builds, I think the game developers should give Bysmiel Conjurer more buffs in the next version of the game.

In terms of buffs, are you talking about increasing pet damage or survivability overall for player and the pets? Not really related, but it would be nice if they gave a flat damage increase to summon Briarthorn on the 4 piece bonus similar to the Beastcaller set.

By buffs, I mean both flat damage increases and survivability increases. I also think WindDevil’s movement needs to be improved. WindDevil is also a summoned object, and it would be nice if the developers could make it so that WindDevil follows the enemy in “offensive mode” and follows me in “defensive mode.” The current movement of WindDevil is annoying, as it unnecessarily follows me and doesn’t reduce the enemy’s elemental resist.

Melee warriors like Warder might benefit more from WindDevil’s current movements, but for summoners like Conjurer, the current WindDevil movements cause a lot of frustration.