[] Arctis Magus - CC Frost Mage - Cr 170, SR 76

Image made with Dall-E

GrimTools: Mage Hunter, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I wanted to make a Mage Build for my ‘Fantasy MMO Team’, something that could be comfortably played solo, but would also offer unique benefits when played in multiplayer. And so here it is! Artcis Magus!!

Edit: Grimtools link, video and parts of the post updated following some of the suggestions from the Mad Master @mad_lee

Arctis Magus is a Mage Hunter that brings incredible frosty crowd control to the battlefield. The Mageslayer set with max’d out Olexra’s Flash Freeze can bring an entire fight to a standstill. The spell can stop Fabius in his tracks for a moment, and can interrupt certain enemies (like Zantarin when he’s preparing to cast his big sundering shotgun attack). Once frozen, Arctis Magus uses a number of other frosty attacks to unleash frostburn and cold damage onto nearby foes.

Flames of Ignaffar is the primary weapon of choice, with 100% Fire and Lightning damage being converted to Cold damage. This is your bread and butter spell, it lowers enemy DA, it gives them 30% fumble, it crits for up to 180k damage per tick, and has lifesteal bonuses added to it, helping to keep Magus’ hp topped up.

Be Chill

The build obviously has a tonne of freezing attacks:

  • Olexra’s Flash Freeze, lowering enemy resistance to freeze by 55%.
  • Trozan’s Sky Shard which in this build is really just there to proc devotions and add some additional frostburn damage.
  • Blizzard devotion proc
  • Frostdread Presence gives you and all allies within a 15 meter radius a 20% chance of Freeze Retalation
  • Outcasts’s Frostbite x2 and Winter’s Chill augments on the necklace and weapons each give a 3% chance to freeze enemies for 2 seconds, which applies to all skills that use weapon attack. In this case, that means that every Flames of Ignaffar tick has a 9% chance of freezing affected enemies for ~1.1 seconds.


Freezing enemies and interrupting attacks dramatically lowers incoming damage, helping to make this build quite tanky for a mage. On top of that, the build gets 24% damage absorption from Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, 17% Reduction to Enemy Damage from Aura of Censure, then 430 flat damage absorption from Inquisitor Seal. Adding 30% fumble to enemies also helps to reduce incoming damage. If you’re really in a bind, you’ve got Mirror of Ereoctes to pop, and Nullification helps to clear any pesky Sundered or DoT debuffs on you or your team.


This build is not a ‘massive damage’ build, but it’s not bad. It has good AOE, and good resistance reduction (about 141% cold RR). Flames of Ignaffar gets a total of 133% crit damage with all buffs up, and gets ~6 ticks per second in. The build gets up to about 200-300k frostburn damage. The OA of this build could also be higher to better support the use of its decent crit damage.

Team Benefits

First and foremost, the CC that this build provides is second to none. Freezing the battlefield and interrupting Nemesis attacks is hugely helpful for reducing the overall damage that your allies takes. Freezing enemies also prevents them from healing each other which is a nice added bonus. :smiley:

On top of that, having wide damage reduction to enemies, and bringing max’d out Inquisitor Seals is a great way to further reduce damage taken by allies, as does the 30% fumble debuff from Endless Flame. Word of Renewal and its modifiers are great for DA, HP, CC reduction boosting, plus a touch of damage. Arctis Magus buffs team crit damage by 34%.

Video: Crucible 140 - 150


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I think you can easily improve your build by doing few things better:

  • Stacking casting speed. 154% seems to be really really low for a channeler. Seems like you are just missing out on most of your FoI damage
  • Brushing up some sloppy skill point distribution: Vigor deserves a soft cap (especially seeing your total hp) while Elemental Balance is bringing very little to the table given how you already have about 130% crit damage on your FoI. Especially past point 8 (but I would just leave it as one pointer). Maiven’s deserves an overcap always while flat from Arcane Empowerement is a drop in an ocean for your FoI damage. And of course Steel Resolve has great value for every point beyond soft cap (and stuff like Arcane Will and Fabric of Reality are good value for one pointers).
  • Getting rid of one point devotion activators. Really detrimental to have them on your chaneller where you do want to mostly cast your FoI. For that you would want to change your devotion map to have less active devotion procs. For example Phoenix has very low value here (70% damage and temporary flat absorb while you already have max seal is not really effective), Falcon is a waste of points for sure when cheaper Toad with Beast racial (to help against Kuba) and adtch is right there.
  • Maybe when (and if) you fix those little mistakes and get enough casting speed and more adtch you can drop Dryad as well. Because Dryad is great when you have high hp (so 10% heal from it is not peanuts) and some amount of healing effects. In your case you have neither so imo it’s just not very effective here.

Ty for the thoughts! I think you’re right; the build has a lot of wasted potential in its current form. I like your suggestions and I’ll look into it.

Tbh, I was trying to come up with a fun mage build that fit the theme in my head of a particular team, and after a whole bunch of attempts which just fell short a bit either practically or thematically involving mortars, Pyran’s, Albrecht’s, Agrivix’ set etc, I was happy to finally find something that fit, so I just made it and posted it without refining it much. :smiley:


Oh it definitely has some mad fun potential with its screen wide cc abilities. I think you are on the right path just gotta tweak it a bit.


I feel like it’s a bit ‘cheating’, but I boosted the cast speed up mostly through different greens.

How do you think this is looking? It’s simpler to play, damage feels overall a bit better. It doesn’t seem to get as much frostburn dot damage and of course doesn’t see the same peak crit numbers, but the faster FOI ticks and fewer skills to cast means better sustained damage and healing…


It looks much better. I think greens are a bit unrealistic and you can get away with single rares on it. I also think one point in tss is like whatever in terms of value, but you need it to activate your devotions and it does bring a bit of frostburn to the table.

Imo the weakest link is that blue ring - you don’t need it to cap seal, it misses stats or speeds. There are plenty of great options, from well rolled living ring (very easy to get “elemental prefix living ring of celerity”) that will boost your hp too to some interesting choices like Ice and Fair (for speeds and some extra healing) to dirt cheap Coven Sky Seal to boost your stats and give you some points in intensify.