[] God Hunter - Cally Killing Pet Build - Cr 170, SR 100

Image by Dall-E

GrimTools: Conjurer, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator

I wanted to make a Cally-Killing pet build that would have both big spike damage because I like watching the numbers :3 and also a lot of survivability so it can… well, survive Cally. So here we are! A big doggo pet build that can crit for about ~2.4m, and the player can get about 5450 regen.

On top of that regen, the build uses Dark One gloves to boost Wendigo Totem’s healing, and the bird’s own Mend Flesh is as max’d as it can go on this build. As pets have very high HP, having regular % of hp healing does a lot. For example, if a pet has 100k hp, then 8% of healing from Wendigo Totem heals it for 8k per second. Imagine giving your pets 8k healing per second for 1 skill point and a glove slot? And for another skill point they get 5% of attack damage converted to health, which is heaps when they deal big ol’ crits.

Blam!! 2.38m Crit.

Cally Kill

Skip to 1:15 for fight start

Crucible 150-170

This Crucible run is a bit slower than I’d like, but it feels 100% comfy every step of the way. At no point do I feel like the fight might get away from me. It’s the first 150-170 run that I’ve done so far with the build, so there’s a chance that the run could be faster. But, there’re some big numbers popping up throughout the fight which is always fun to see. :smiley:


The build uses a number of green items. Tbh though, the suffixes/prefixes are not so important as long as one of them on any of the green items gives pets some elemental resistances, and one of them on any of the green items gives them some chaos resistance. If you can’t get the chaos resistance, swap out the Seal of Resonance for Imbued Silver on the caster offhand, and you’ll be fine. :slight_smile:



I’m amazed you still play with screen shake on with all the crit builds you make haha. I turned it off when I got the Blood Knight set, those little skeletons were giving me a headache! Love the use of Mog’s shoulders, btw, don’t see those often.

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Nice job, and it’s good to see a non set build. I think you can also call it HC viable :smile:


Haha! I suppose by this point I’m used to it. Maybe I’d find the experience ‘too calm’ without it or something in a weird, Stockholm Syndrome kinda way :stuck_out_tongue:

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Thank you! I’ve spent next to no time in HC, so I never feel confident declaring builds as HC viable. I wouldn’t want to trick people into playing a build that’ll die quickly in a circumstance I haven’t considered…

Impressive time/survivability against calla with pet build. Nice one!

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am i looking wrong but what is the skill level and item setup?

i can only see the image not the names

Here’s the link to the grimtools, which shows all of the gearing and skills etc