normally ravager should be simple for retal with high armour/phys res
i think part issue might be you have to low healing then if it can’t keep up with ravager dps
a thing to remember is retal/Rata itself doesn’t scale on WPS “Increases”, so 22pt zolhan doesn’t boost your retal/rata application, it would only boost your AA application; but your RF investment itself is basically 0
Which means your dmg output isn’t as general high and invested in more chance
Red doggo also drains your mana fast which could be an issue even with Spark component, but you don’t even have that
*“low” OA for celestial also mean you’re probably not even critting to even apply Assassin’s Mark so even lower dmg against Ravager
if you want a general idea i’d suggest you view KingRed’s current setups if that can help with an approach overview and similarities across
note that Public Test forum gets deleted soon/when patch is out live, so the topic/contents will disappear, so if it’s useful to you you might want to save it