[] (Nightmare Edition) WarBorn Leviathan 2H Death Knight(Calagadra: 1m 25s; Ravagar: 1m 18s; no-doping, no-MI; SR 86+; All 3 Superboss killer)

First, thanks to mad_lee for the skill advice. Thanks to you, my Death Knight is performing quite a bit better.

Subsequent to my no-MI all Superboss killer pet Conjurer
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer WitchBlade,
and Subsequent to my no-MI 3 Superboss killer Warder
and subsequent to my no-MI 3 superboss killer Warlord

I present my fifth no-MI 3 Superboss killer Death Knight.

I’ve seen very few Death Knight builds with or without MI that can beat All 3 SuperBosses. So, I wanted to create a versatile Death Knight that could take down Ravagar, Mogdrogen, and particularly Calagadra, without using MI & drug(pharma) but using only common gears.

However, unlike WitchBlade, Death Knight’s skills don’t provide any Physical Resist, so I had to search all over the Constellation of Devotion to get the roughly 63+ Physical Resist required to take down Calagadra.

It took me two weeks of pains-taking work to develop a build that can safely beat the hard-to-kill Calagadra with Death Knight, while maintaining a very painful insistance on developing a macho hero that doesn’t use shield, doesn’t use MI and dosen’t use drug(pharma) doping.

Here is My Macho Death-Knight

  1. Final Edition

Equipment/Skill/Devotion(01/February/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNk0bEQ2
Devotion selection sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53cul9BwOgk
Here, you can download a copy of the hero :
_csk0103-death-knight.zip (1.8 MB)
Final Edition Play Video :
General Combat : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-42v5xJlAGQ&t=2s
vs Calagadra : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hy-TzCGIufQ&t=26s
vs Ravagar : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jaS2QcGDvUs&t=48s
vs Mogdrogen : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMOTtp6DRac&t=7s
SR 75~76 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MUye6rScTz0&t=209s
SR 80~81 : safe battle.

  1. Ultimate Edition
    (With a goal of higher DPS and DA, Ultimate Edition was made. Devotion and some component & skill distribution changed)

Equipment/Skill/Devotion(03/February/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:):
Devotion selection sequence: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-XaZEiHrWnQ
Here, you can download a copy of the hero :
_csk0103-Death-knight.zip (1.8 MB)
:wrench: Urgent Fixed Edition(12/February/2024) : https://www.grimtools.com/calc/a2dxjkQ2

General fight : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qB2QwatSSQ&t=7s

vs Calagadra(1min 40sec, no pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCz_2BLEXlc

vs Ravagar of Flesh(1min 33sec, no pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a4XGgjjS0P4&t=4s

SR 75-76(8min 20sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mKmENLJYkj4&t=75s

  1. Nightmare Edition :laughing:
    (Since game ver, it was relatively easy to defeat Calagadra. Thus, it was developed for the purpose of retrieving resources that were overinvested to defeat Calagadra and redistributing those resources to more aggressive devotations and skills and components, resulting in an increase of DPS of 20000 compared to the Ultimate Edition, and being able to defeat Calagadra and the Ravagar of Flesh 15 seconds faster and being able to reduce clearing time of SR 75-76 and and 85-86 by more than two minutes)

Equipment/Skill/Devotion(game ver; 11/October/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:):
( :wrench: :wrench:Urgent Fix(26/October, 2024) : Subtract 1 point from Dread of Necromancer, and add it to WarCry of Soldier. i.e. https://www.grimtools.com/calc/0V05j9JZ I underestimated the effect of the additional 1% damage reduction. It’s much more stable without any DPS loss)
Devotion selection sequence : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9PwokztfPc
Here, you can download a copy of the hero :
Nightmare Edition_Death_Knight(csk0103).zip (1.8 MB)

Equipment/Skill/Devotion(game ver; 31/December/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:):
(In game ver, Calagadra became difficult to take down again, so I made some minor skill tweaks to make it more stable in the anti-Calagadra stability and high SR areas.)
vs Calagadra(1min 23sec, no pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mF2nAmHgHtI

My advise: Do not change skills assigned to Dryad’s Blessing, Shifting Sands, and Ulzzasd’s Decree, Those skills are assigned to their respective constellations to activate with almost 100% probability. If you’re having trouble defeating Calagadra, take 1 or 2 more points from Fighting Form and add them to Mark of Torment.

Nightmare Edition Spec. :


General fight (including Lokarr: 10sec, RaShalga: 5sec, Kra’vall: 7sec, and other bosses): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2kXfNALDiZI&t=55s

vs Calagadra(1min 25sec, no pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dkb3JS6UJGY

vs Ravagar of Flesh(1m 18s, no pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LP0LXEL5UOo&t=3s

vs Mogdrogen(2min 00sec, 1-Pharma doping) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leBPJP2inT0

SR 75-76(6min 40sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Okg2ee8PWjY&t=1s

SR 85-86(8min 45sec) : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u6DYe0lruS4&t=338s

If you have any improvements or questions, I’d love to hear them in the comments.


Made a GrimTools link for you.

What is this link?

it’s 1:1 the same build, there is no changes there? :thinking:

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I downloaded his .zip and exported to GT, so yes unless there is a bug in GT (sometimes it acts weird, for example if you assign a devotion proc to an item skill, but should be like 99% accurate).

@sk_choi GrimTools is a useful website for posting builds, as well as looking up items or monsters. It even has an import button that extracts information from your character file so you can share builds easily.

As stated in the text like this “Equipment/Skill/Devotion(01/February/2024, Seoul, South Korea :kr:): https://www.grimtools.com/calc/lNk0bEQ2” , GrimTools is a site I already know about. Thanks anyway.

yes, but why? the character already has a grimtools link in the OP? “it’s how i could tell your link was a 1:1 same build” despite different URL
choi’s Death Knight, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator, right above the zip you used

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I tried downloading the character and tried putting it in my save file but the character doesn’t show up, what gives?, someone help me out here

Do you have the Ashes expansion installed? If you just have the base game then you can’t use any builds that contain masteries from the expansions.

if you’re using cloud saves you can’t just post files into the save folder, will have to be imported
if you’re using local saves it might be an issue with the folder structure/the right folder
*assuming it’s not what Medea mentions ofc

Was asking David Buck. :grinning:

Sorry, I’m drunk right now.

Resistor cutters of the third type (without the percent sign %) do not stack with each other, but only the strongest one works.
Battlecry, ravenous Earth and Libra constellation do not enhance each other, only the cry will always work.

I already know that. Foul Eruption was adopted as an AOE skill and also for the purpose of triggering Azraka very often, not for RR. Ulkama was adopted for both mana and life leech and RR.

Ah, then I apologize))

Your point is very valid and something I should be grateful for. An apology is highly inappropriate. :ok_hand: :ok_hand:

I just have some question concerning some parts of the builds. Is it just personal preference to use a 2 hander over a sword and board? Like getting warborn 4 piece for example, would it potentially be better?. Also is it just personal preference to not use any MI? Like the neck seems good doesn’t give anything else besides some basic stats.

Not using MIs is a personal preference, and also for “build versatility” that doesn’t rely on specific items. Using a two-handed weapon is a personal preference and to gain more physical resist, which is essential for taking down superbosses without doping.

“Like the neck seems good doesn’t give anything else besides some basic stats.” I don’t know what this means. I’m not an English speaker.

one could/would ask what sword and board would bring to the table on a cadence build ?

the neck offers +1 all skill, that’s strong, aside from that it has good stats, crit, oa, covers bunch of res, you need a fancy rolled Kaisan to compete with that (and Choi doesn’t do MIs ofc)