Virulence - Poison Shadow strike dervish - 2 setups - 1.4 million DoT damage [SR 80]

You don’t need Kraken on Dunefiend setup, believe the whole map needs rethinking.
Taking Basilisk Mark will let you know hardcap Nidalla’s Justifiable Ends for -1.8 s to Shadow Strike and you can still get Path of The Three at 21/12 for 15% CDR and put 1 point at least to Dual Blades for 4% phys res.
i would take Mythical Slithscale Legwraps and sacrificed Merciless Repertoire (keep it at 20/12) and put those points elsewhere.

[] Acid SS Dunefiend Witch Hunter. SR 90/Ravager of Minds/Crate of Entertainment - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

[] Assassin - Update: 5.8m crits - Big Shadow Striker - SR 76, Cr 170 - Grim Dawn / Classes, Skills and Builds - Crate Entertainment Forum

this is how it was done before, but with more focus on acid damage than poison (as you do here on Nightshade Reach setup with Dervish).

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