*Corrupting spellcraft of great Panetti with the power of Aether
In this Panetti builds golden era that officially started… checks patch notes… two days ago not every PRM build should be a slightly worse version of Invoker PRM Mage Hunter. Some might not like this boring tug of war between Invoker’s Fire/Lightning Panetti Mage Hunter or Tri-Elemental Panetti Mage Hunter again or maybe even Cold/Lightning PRM, you guessed it, Mage Hunter again. Shooting missiles behind the safety of Inquisitor Seal, booo, boring! How about some of that intoxicating 162% crit damage over 4000 effective OA old school Spellbinder’s power instead?
The Build
<<<< GRIMTOOLS >>>>*
*Craft for Slow Resistance and Healing Effects
The concept
Basically the real challenge was to find defenses that are usually lacking on a Spellbinder - namely DA, hp and armor. I resolved armor issue that by taking Charriot and some %armor devotions that fit in that devotion map and then using Krieg pieces that are all heavy armor (and also give good hp bonuses). Same Charriot that addresses DA shortages goes especially well together with Arcane Will.
Another little tweak was taking Harbinger of Souls over Reckless Power. The loss of damage is really insignificant, however gains in sustain are massive since build has four weapon damage procs (major ones being Spear and Korvaak and minor ones being rings and gloves proc).
Another idea was to make gear as affordable as possible. All monster infrequent greens are single rare and have the most common rare/magic affixes. Most of the legendaries are either faction items or target farmable Krieg pieces. One flexible slot is pants slot - you can get some green or craftable pants here with hp and OA (technically Krieg pieces can also be something else but build won’t be as good without them).
Skill distribution is pretty standard apart from the Exclusive skill choice I explained above.
For devotions I took Charriot that fits here like a glove and standard for Aether Spear/Korvaak.
This is the endgame build. It works as advertised once you equip required gear at character level 100 and repeat my grimtools as close as possible.
Build facetanks everything in Crucible (even buffless Crucible) and SR 30-31 (ex-SR 75-76). However if you are pulling multiple bosses together (which is what you should do for maximizing the damage because of the overlapping pass thru PRM shotgun effect) use active defense (Null/MoT/Mirror/Evade to reposition) more.
For Ravager fight use all 4% hp armor augments and rotate Mirror/MoT/Null/Cluster.
For Crate fight do this.
General (with Charriot’s proc and Arcane Will up)
Panetti’s damage (Arcane Will up)
Videos Ravager of Flesh 1:16 kill Crucible Gladiator 150-170 “naked” ex 4:25 run (no buffs/no banners) Crate kill by RomanN1 (Poof+CPU overclock)
In conclusion
All hail Spellbinders, old kings of Aether magic!