let’s make it a bug report i guess, behaviour seems unchanged:
what seems to be happening is that with 3 projectiles the angles are calculated as if it were 4 and then the leftmost is just left out. in the previous screenshot (with modded 180 span/arc) we can see that one projectile is 90° right of center, another one 30° to the right and on 30° to the left. so with the skills base arc (45) we get one projectile 22.5° right of center, one 7.5° right and one 7.5° left which is mostly noticeable at a distance (current test patch):
i keep trying every new build. tremor still off-centre, the template for the skill does not calculate angles correctly with an odd number of projectiles:
if these get fixed please lower the arc to the 2/3rds (3 projectiles) or 4/5ths (5 projectiles) respectively that we get in-game from what is set in the files. (tremor is set to 45° but it’s 30° in-game).
This seems to be an issue with Skill_AttackProjectileFan template in general rather than specific skills. I just did a bit of testing again and these are my observations:
if skill has single projectile, it gets off-centered by half of projectileLaunchRotation (if it’s 0 - it’s properly centered);
if projectile number is even - left one in the middle hits target (so if you have 2 projectiles, left one will hit, if you have 4 - 2nd from left, etc);
if projectile number is odd - no projectile is centered.
Weirdly enough, similar template Skill_AttackProjectileBurst doesn’t have this issue, so as temporary solution I changed both obsidian tremor and winter king’s might to this template in my game long ago (first time I noticed it was around patch 1.1.9, I believe). So, functionally they didn’t change, but actually can hit something from the distance now at the cost of becoming a bit chaotic due to random spread . Of course, it would be nice to see this behavior finally fixed instead so no modding workaround is needed.