[] The Bone Crew on Acid - Ghol Ritualist with Skeletons - Easy Ravager and SR farmer with 16+ pets

This Ritualist has many friends

3-4x Blight Fiend
1x Briarthorn
8x Skeletons
1x Eldritch Talon
2x Blighted Riftscourge
1x Eldritch Hound (occasionally)
a few Eldritch Webweavers (rarely)

And they are all doing acid (damage)!

Also, they are dead.

- Grimtools -


  • Hilarious DPS
  • Pets can tank a fair amount and taunt
  • only 2 green MIs, one of them entirely optional, both pretty easy to farm


  • Piano playstyle
  • You have to resummon individual pets occasionally and there are so, so many of them
  • only 25k HP and 13k from Fiendflesh proc, that is most of your defense

The pet bonuses on the flexible slots (devotion, augments, affixes) are selected for:

  • resistances (mostly all capped, some overcapped)
  • speed (as much as possible)
  • offensive ability
  • damage and crit damage
    in that order.


Ravager of Flesh (~1min 12sec)

SR 30-31 with some fast rooms (~5min)

Callagadra is possible, but last time I checked, it was a 6-7 minute kite fest. The pets aren’t tanky enough against her, so lots of resummoning.

Didn’t push much into SR. Average SR runs are ~6-7 minutes, but if the rooms are bad for the pets’ pathing, it can be longer.

Alternative items would be:

Mythical Black Grimoire of Og’Napesh (for one extra pet and possibly extra (but weaker) skeletons)
Mythical Reaper of the Accursed (just solid overall)
Nightshard (If you can somehow fit another button for Siphon Souls, maybe)

Mythical Wildshorn Legguards (Solid, built-in +3 Embolden)
Mythical Runebrand Legwraps (Also solid, +3 Mog Pact for more flat damage instead of phys res from Embolden)

If you can’t find Mythical Blightshard:
Bysmiel’s Iris (defensive, mostly for heals every 25sec)
Mythical Sovereign Ruby of Domination (Just really solid)

Mythical Deathwalker’s Grace (for the slow res to pets, but it’s a lot of +skills to make up for.)


I leveled using Primal Strike and then swapped to pets around level 40.
Going into skeletons first and then adding Briarthorn and Shaman passives, before going into Blightfiends.

Gear was mostly picked up around Homestead/Bloodgrove:
Spectral Crown
Zaria’s Pendant
or Death-Watcher Pendant
Bloodsworn Sigil
Rhowari Shoulderguard
Rhowari Cuirass
Bysmiel-Sect Legguards
Bloodsworn Codex
Bargoll’s Core
Wendigo Gaze

If you watch the pets resistances and your own, this should get you through the game eazy-breezy.
You can also follow this pet ritualist beginner guide by Uncle_Mac, which looks good!

Always happy to hear feedback.
I didn’t pour infinite hours into this one, so I bet there is room for improvement.


solid build i like it well done , just one question so in terms of healing ur pets u have only wendigo totem ?

Heal? Pets? :melting_face:

But yeah it’s just the Totem as far as I know.
They also regen a little from Mog Pact and there’s more convoluted ways to get them more regen or life steal…
But they can also just get resummoned, so they just have to live long enough. :smiling_imp:

In the words of the great Zap Brannigan:

“Many of you are going to die, but that is a sacrifice I am willing to make!”


xD in my pets builds i do lot of healing cuz im lazy i dont like to keep resummoning xD

Hi, thanks for this build guide, I’m new to the game, I’m trying to follow this build, at least in class progression, but I’m struggling at the order of Devotions to chosen. I picked: Hound, Panther, Lotus, Stag and the Ulo, but I can’t start the others listed in the build calc.

You will have to take a few temporary devotions to unlock the rest. I suggest Jackal and Hawk.
Then remove the points later on at the spirit guide.

I updated the grim tools link to include a possible devotion progression, just open the devo in the GT and scroll through the bar on the bottom. :+1:
But keep in mind, that the devotion is optimized for a full acid pets build, which you won’t have until much, much later.
If you want to stick with it, I suggest picking up a Scorpius Pummeler, so at least Briar and Blight Fiend will do full acid damage.


Thank you, I will try it later

Gotta ask you a question, mate. Why using Yogol rings over Bloodsworn Signets? I got two signets (subjugator’s of caged souls) with 400 % damage and other stats, +6 to Raise Skeletons and +6 to the Briarthorn’s aura, is that much of a difference having a full damage conversion?

You’ll have to test that yourself, as I don’t have those rings, so I don’t know how they perform.

The yugol rings are for the phys → acid conversion. The pets do not deal just acid damage without conversion.

I see. One last thing, why don’t you use Manticore over the other devotion for RR? There are some nice buffs to acid damage for pets too

The manticore RR doesn’t stack with other RR of the same type. The Ghol set already provides 28 reduced resistances via Mogdrogen’s Pact, so you don’t need Manticore anymore.

“The other devotion”: If you mean Murmur, that type or RR stacks additively.
If you mean the summoned pet on Bysmiel’s Command, that RR is redundant, I just take it for the extra pet and some rare pet resistances. You could swap that for anything else, if you don’t want the hound.

I think a good scorpius pummeler will outperform plaguebearer