[1.2.1.x] Exploring Pet Critical Damage: Doggo Conjurer Edition (~4.7 million crit)

v1.2.1.0 update. (Skill point update, old devotions… don’t use)

v1.2.1.0 + new devotions. (While effective, don’t use. These devos are lacking.)

v1.2.1.0 Three+ million crit damage version with proper devotions.

v1.2.1.0 with new 1H, skills updated, new devotions to take advantage of the 1H’s strengths… 4+ million crit so far.

Glassiest version - 4.7+ million and counting, not as balanced as the build above… but, this one has hit the highest crit so far.

I built this Pyromancer to see just how bitey a dog could get, the Dracarris just felt right to use with a Pyro… but no way a conjurer can’t get in on this action and let some pesky Pyro out-pet-damage it… and sure enough this conjurer manages to be a bit nastier than that already spicey pyro. This build (used to) uses a Veilpiercer for the 1H for the flat fire damage and a little flat rr. This dog is one point away from a fully hardcapped line. That plus some good aura buffs and decent pet critical damage % (love you always Primal Bond) make the dog hit very hard. This pooch does seven figure hits regularly and in large numbers. This guy could really use a bit more rr (never enough) and some points in BoD would help with the glassiness a bit… but… I want the hardest biting dog I can, so this version is a bit glassy but certainly still SR75+ / main game capable.

SR75 critical attack:


In game stats:

Build link:

Video of pets getting busy with multiple seven figure hits, 2.16+ million single crit:




v1.2.1.0 update:

With the new patch there are more points to play with and the hound is now fully hard-capped at every skill.

2.7+ million crit here in SR75. (around the 6-7 second mark, video at half speed)


The dog drops pretty big bites regularly:

More to come…


Oh daaaaaaaaaaaymn!

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The OG build very purposely stacked flat fire and lightning in the devos, the newest patch has borked those devos. Also, this version feels a bit less glassy, probably due to the higher DA + pet taunt from Ishtak. Testing new devos, more to come:

Dropping big hits all over the battlefield:

Updated build as in pics in this post:


So @WyreZ pointed out to me that Light of Empyrion devo no longer has any value for pets, aka my devos were still borked… don’t theorycraft until fully caffeinated. Also… Fiend and Soleal’s Witchblade… I totally forgot them, kind of a must for a fire pet build (imo). Anyway, I updated the devos, I think they are correct now for this gear. New high damage number. Benny had no idea what hit him…

Properly fixed devos:


Hi, I’m totally into conjurer since the early days and came back to the game after a long time.
Can’t get your devos to work, missing 1 chaos for the witchblade…got 1 from the crossroads and 2 from fiend. How did you activate the witchblade?

Finish Toad (for 3 green) and finish Fiend (for 2 red and the rest of your required green points). Put 3 points in Jackal to complete it so you’ll now have 5 in red (2 from Fiend + 3 from Jackal), you can now finish Solael’s Witchblade. Once done, go to one of the Spirit Guides and put one point in Crossroads red and pull the points out of Jackal, you can now start working on Shep’s Crook or your Blue / Gold devos.

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Ok… first things first. With the updated Veilpiercer v1.2.1.0 build at the request of a YT comment I did a SR75-76 run. For those interested in that type of thing, my times were SR75 3:04 and SR76 3:23.

Second things second… when I built this guy out originally, the Veilpiercer gave a nice bit of flat damage to the hound in addition to tasty flat rr… now it just gives flat rr (though a few points more) but lost the flat fire damage… that makes it kind of a wimpy weapon for the purpose of this build. But damn, that Bysmiel Mindweaver is looking pretty stout these days…! MOAR damage to the hound? SURE! And, on it’s maiden voyage, how’s this for a critical hit? Zantarin went from undead to dead pretty quick here. :slight_smile: More to come, will do more runs, possible more tweaks.

Whoa… I am still sorting through the footage from it’s first test… 4 million crit:

Against the dummy:

Updated build with new Bysmiel Mindweaver 1H, devotions and skills tweaked:

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It’s also interesting what the math behinde those crazy OA values for pets builds, while normal build can stack at most 3.2k+ which is roughly 15% to crit. Pets builds can get 5k+ (with +100% OA bonus on 2300 base + dreegs blood) + other buffs

For case callagadra has 3100DA, which should make it nearly invulnerable for crits for most build (and fu**k up rr for phys :D)

It’s true, the dog isn’t overly impressed with Callagadra’s DA. :slight_smile:

Now my toon staying alive for 60 seconds against Callagadra, that’s a different situation. :slight_smile:

This build is really something, the dmg is insane. Killed Callagadra yesterday without much to worry but spamming my pets to resummon them while being on the run :smiley:

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Ravager of Minds is also doable, but the fight is such a pain…moving pets around all the time is annoying.

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Playing with some friends, two supporter toons (IEE, Flametouched, Seals, lots of additional stackable RR). For funsies (or as we like to say… “for science!”) figured we’d see what kind of big critical damage bite we could get in MP. This is from SR110, MP:



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Rerolled one of the rings and chest armor (both were basically the lowest rolls on the flat damage they provide), replaced one Mog Blessing aug with an Osyr Guidance (moar pet crit % damage), might try replacing the other augs too… still only converting ~90% of lightning to fire with this ring combo, better rolls will help damage. Still, without using potions, seeing higher peak critical damage. I think 4.5 million is possible… will tweak a bit more.

Both screen grabs taken from SR75.

Added a video of another 4.2 million hit:


Incredible numbers :scream:

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So, I did some napkin math in my head… the Ishtak devotion gave my pets 40 physical damage (in spurts) and the medal gave my hound a 33% critical damage bump… with a Halion’s and new devotions, I can get 100 fire damage to the hound full time (nice) and 38% critical damage in spurts (due to Hungering Void). I figured my dog might bite even harder yet, this version is certainly glassier (Hungering Void isn’t cheap with that health drain) but is hitting pretty hard in spurts.

Chasing 5,000,000. Love this pic… 4.7, 4.4, 4.1 million crits all at once.

Keeping track of new highs on this version as they roll in. Also, a few non-crit hits in there that are seven figures… pretty cool…!


HC viable?

I would say any decent pet conjurer can be used HC, though for this one I’d definitely go with a safer devotion path (more healing) and probably the Overseer medal over the Halion for the better pet resists. But, yes, this could be used in HC with a bit more conservative devotions and careful piloting against super bosses. But, if going HC I’d personally lean more towards a defensive build vs. a DPS cannon. For the record, I’ve tried HC four, five times now? All but one of my toons is a grey reminder at the title screen, so I’m not the best for HC advice. :smiley: