I’m building versions of some pet toons for single big hits… have a seven figure lightning strike bird too, but by far the biggest single crits are coming from the buff’d dog (buff’d briar does well too, but not as big of numbers as the pooch). This is a fun pet build, the hound really gets busy hitting multiple targets and hitting them hard. This build stacks flat damage and as much hound specific gear as possible. That and “enough” rr (there’s never enough). All in all the version of this I tested with Ishtak was a bit more well rounded. And an Ateph’s Will would be wise in place of one of the Mog’s Blessing augments, but for the biggest single big bites and sexy numbers, this version seemed to have the most seven figure hits reliably (and pets didn’t seem to mind the lowish bleeding resist).
I have a few toons ahead of this, but a proper build guide will be incoming. The pyro is more capable than I thought it’d be with the small number of pets, the dog gets it done.
SR75, makes quick work of just about anything put in front of it with hits like this:
@WyreZ actually built a 4 player team just to boost damage and rr for this dog pyromancer… I’ll let him post more on it if he’d like, I think we’re going to test more, but the initial results were quite fun.
And I know how you feel, here I felt I had a decent deep SR conjurer and Maya goes and jumps 30 levels deeper than me…