I’m at work but I figured I’d share something for any of you to optimize. I have over 12000 hours in the game and have created and deleted over 150 level 100’s. that being said, this is something for you pros to optimize.
Take a pyromancer, and use dual voidspires, Rah’zins armor and a darkblaze hat. Totally max out fire strike, Flame Touched, Solael’s Witchfire, and Possesion.It actually feels like your using Primal Strike as crowd’s literally just melt from the brimstone.
I’m actually playing this as a regen character, and still pulling 300k sheet dps, which is normally out of the realm for anything not EOR, or pet oriented. The moment I hit 94, I went and melted the mad queen and grim internals lists it as 1.237 million DPS. Just tooling around, this build kills things like Warden Krieg before he even gets to stomp to stun you…like 2 seconds flat and he’s down. The greatest thing about this build is it hits all mobs just as it hits bosses.
There a million tweaks that can be made to this to make it possibly one of the fastest cleaners. I’m currently using Korvaak’s in the medal spot and Eldritch Pact, but I noticed that the Ch’thon medal actually adds chaos damage to fire strike so it may be better if I add a blademasters talisman with chk’thon instead.
Anyhow my favorite build has always been a Naren Kur Witchblade, or Fang of Cthon Witch Hunter, but this build simply outperforms it hands down.
Banana, Grey. Dragon, or any of you other pro’s, feel free to test this and claim it as your own, I’m simply sharing it because it might be the most fun I’ve had in a build so far. Most named elites literally last two shots, and this build has so much RR with Thermite/eldritch fire, that even the bosses with 2million HP die in like 2 seconds flat.
I can post it when I get home, but doing it this way, will get someone to claim it as their own and actually get it optimized. I’m literally running this right now with 3k+ regen, which means I’m sacrificing big DPS.
That’s very close to what I’m using…I think I’m using Gollus rings though. Also, someone messaged me and said that the Mythical Avatar of Chaos adds 10k, so there’s that.
Absurd numbers of some DW chaos builds is something that comes up on the forum from time to time, but I believe no one was able to convert it into any kind of outstanding performance in common benchmark tests, much less an outstanding all-around practical performance.
That’s good, but the proper endgame build should have not only good DPS, but also defences to survive. Mad Queen might be easy for your build, because you dont use any projectiles (you even smartly unbound Flame Torrent), but that wont be the case for the rest of endgame content. Mad Queen also doesnt have any resist to your damage.
And while 1.2kk DPS is surely high, it isnt unreachable with other build. I bet my Vindicator with Evoker of Elgoloth can reach the same number agains it even though i invested a lot a lot into defences as well.
I was just trying to get one of you to test it properly as I know I cannot do it. as far as end game build…It will hold up against all of the content of the regular game. Mine is also surprisingly surviveable as well. It’s never going to kill Calli, but it might very well kill the ravager/crate for sure. The only thing that made me even post was the fact that it feels like primal strike, or something similar with crazy AOE, but where primal strike wanes against single target this build shines. If you wade into say 30 mobs, they will die most of the time in one click, sometimes it actually takes 2 hits.
Anyhow, it just not something you see posted about on these boards, and it seems to be fun room clearer. cheers.
Dual Voidspire can work but more fun to find a nice Bloodsworn for other, although the one I picked is fantasy green (I couldn’t help myself, heh).
*Imho = 3 or 4 Rah’zin seems a bit boring, but if full Rah’zin then it could make more sense to just go full set for Touch of Chaos and put all the saved points somewhere else . It’s ~50 skill points! Maybe profit off of the conversions for Cannister, FB and lots more.
The shoulder and pants don’t get the bonus procs…but still seem like a decent fit, regardless.
Sigil works as well as DB for a proccer and fits.
Seems a shame to not get Bat devotion with the relevant conversions here. That might help leech and AoE.
Health was tricky to get. I probably left the DA a bit low. Looks a bit fragile.
Link is good. Thanks for the info, Red. Funny I never came across those voidspires before. Farmed in some special place, like Bastion of Chaos? Haven’t been there in some time.