Warehouses - Could we please get an option to mass untick a whole category? I want food to just be stored in the root cellar early game and manually unticking every single food item in every other storage space is a huge pain.
Idle Workers - Can we get some type of small notification area with the number of workers that are currently idle? Too much work to figure this out currently. Also, if idle workers in a specific profession could default to being temporary laborers when there is no work to do, that would be amazing and would be very helpful in conjunction with my next point. Gatherer hut lady is sitting on her ass all winter with text saying there’s nothing to do when there’s a full inventory of stuff that still needs to be taken to the root cellar.
Can we set production limits for items? Would love to not have to constantly manually manage woodcutters/plank builders to stop working when there is an abundance of their corresponding resource and no wood left in the village. Once limit is hit, workers will go do laborer tasks until more production is needed.
There is no quick way (to my knowledge) to undo a clear for a given area. You have to manually select each individual entity and click “Remove as target”. Would be amazing to have an “Undo Clear Order” option that we could drag over an area previously designated for clearing.
Farms - Building area says “crop field build site” and I can allot up to 5 builders. Problem: This labor is done solely by the farmer(s) assigned to the field which is a lot less labor/month than builders and thus it takes a year and a half for a farmer to prepare one field.
I am very excited for this game, thanks for putting out a very promising new entry in this genre into the world! For anyone else reading, if I am missing an option or UI menu that would solve any of the issues above, please let me know! Still learning things.
Really awesome suggestions!
2. I’ve also had some trouble with idle workers, at first it was not clear how many I had available.
4. What I’ve had more trouble with is canceling a harvest request, it has the same problem with the clear order, once something is selected, the only thing you can do is to undo it manually.
5. I think its by design to make farms have a high up-front cost, especially the larger sized ones, but that’s up to them to decide.
Thank you for making this thread, I was going to write a bit about suggestion #2 in particular.
My farmers just seem to stand around all the time, and I can’t really figure out why they don’t have more to do. I’ve been attempting to micro them by turning fields on/off so they join the labor pool over the year, but if you miss the first second of a new crop planting / field maintenance section on the field tab the farmers will idle out entirely and do nothing for the duration of that section. Since I need to have a stable food supply, I am forced to have seven otherwise able bodied individuals just sit around and watch clover grow so they don’t miss a planting / maintenance section.
Having the farmers/gatherers/etc move to secondary/tertiary tasks if they have nothing to do with their primary job would be a much welcomed change. As it is it doesn’t make sense to have a villager sit around for 3/4 of the year. Those farmers would be chopping trees for winter, moving goods into town, or helping build structures while they were waiting for their harvest. Once it came time to get back to the fields, they would drop whatever it is they were doing (perhaps quite literally) and head back to their primary job site.
As for implementation of such a system, I think it should be linked with each job title. For example, a farmer would by default be Farmer/Builder/Laborer, while a position like guard or teacher by default would have no other tasks associated with it. The ability to set secondary or tertiary tasks for each job should be made available to the player, so you can have Guards that also moonlight as Bakers, Cobblers, or something equally egregious.
As far as I can tell, something like this already exists in the game (the laborer/builder system) so it wouldn’t be such a stretch to implement it across all job titles.