2 mods its possible?

Bit of a new guy at modding Grim Dawn, but what if you wanna merge a mod that has no .arz or .arc files and it’s just meshes and textures? I’ve seen someone combine [MOD] Hairstylist - a barber in town! as well as [MOD] Change the character appearance patch for Grim Dawn v1.1.9.X(GDx2), but I’m at a loss as to how to make them both work together. The second mod doesn’t seem to work with custom mods (or atleast the first mod), and glitches out the default hair while the face is overwritten. I get that visual mods aren’t the biggest draw or reason to play Grim Dawn, but I do still want a nicer looking character.

I’m more than willing to do the work myself and I may even be a bit dumb or missing an easy solution, but none of the guides out there have been of much help so far.