2H Ranged Purifier SR34 (Updated to 36)

Can make it to shard 37 easily

Original Grimtools Char

Hi all,
I have a Desolator Purifier I built up without following any guides. I can face tank most bosses through SR33 with time to spare. However SR34 (I couldn’t beat SR85boss room) I’m having to actually play and run around, sometimes getting one shot. I’m not using any of the shrines or consumables, other than health pots. I’ve played around with my devotions trying to balance defense and offense and still leveling giant’s blood(11) and elemental seeker(9). Any assistance in getting deeper into SR is appreciated. Happy Holidays!

edit: I think my elemental seeker was lower when I originally posted. After making the changes and running to SR36 it levelled to 9.

I think you should swap the skills for proccing giant blood and wayward soul

and add 1 point in flashbang for fumble and impaired aim to receive less damage

maybe entirely swap stormbox for thermite mines

Thanks for the Giant’s blod tip. I just tied it to prismatic rage. I’ll try this this first then switch to thermite mine.

I just made it to shard 36!

Along with the devotion proc changes, I moved one point from storm box to searing light. Keeping remaining storm box points for now (I don’t want to make too many changes at once). Gaint’s blood levelled to 13 and Elemental Seeker level 9.
Facetank Moose, fabius, val, iron maiden(but slow to kill) shard 35.
I don’t remember the name, but one boss I had to kite and run around blue goo on the floor shard 35.
grava’s 2nd ball will one shot otherwise very easy, shard 35.
Archmage balls one shot shard 36.

I think blast shield is better than prismatic rage for giant blood it has too long recharge

also you are quite heavily invested in armor but absorption is at minimum.

and your stun resist is very low for endgame build

Let me try that out. Can I bind wayward soul to any toggle buff or is there a preference?
I’ll research how to get my stun up. What is suggested min?
I’ll also try to get armor up.

yes you can put wayward souls on toggled buff, it is more continues small fluctuations, while giant blood is very strong prolonged effect.

for stun many finished builds have it at 80% and slow also, but minimum is whatever does no longer annoy you getting interrupted :slightly_smiling_face:

getting wrecked in shard 36. I’ll try ancient armor plate on the legs and switch my ring comps to runebound topaz.
Then maybe try the thermite stormbox switch.
Think dropping viper and giant’s blood for turtle will help?

I think I’ll try below for fun. Not sure how dire maul will work =)

dire maul will, not work, it is for physical damage

I would try your old setup and swap owl for empty throne to get your stun and slow resist higher
I think you need to do more damage, not less but i’m not an expert on how deep Sr a firestrike purifier can go, you may set the bar too high.

also scaled hide gives much more absorption than ancient plate

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definitely no

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Got to shard 37 ultimate within the timer!
Shard36 I could facetank iron maiden and fab, benn I only needed to avoid his bombs on the ground, the guy with blue goo on the ground I still needed to kite but easy.
I was able to kite grava and moos together. Killed grava first then finished moos, I ended up having to hide under an arch but I could facetank.
edit: elemental seeker is now level 10 and giant blood is level 15. All other devotions are maxed.


no idea why you still keep those one pointers in stormbox,

I would try reduce deadly aim and blast shield to 12/12, those over investments don’t do a lot
+remove stormbox and then put all those points in thermite mine, then you have -25% elem resist reduction more, which should give you much more damage

Hi! Sorry for the late response was having computer issues. I’ve gotten into shard 38 but it was a lot of work! No more facetanking and with my playing I can’t take it any farther.

Storm box to Thermite mines at soft cap works extremely well. Adding anymore points energy becomes an issue. I tried it at 25% RR but seems to “play” better at 16points.
I farmed ugdenbloom to change my ring comps from mark of illusions to bloodied crystals. Pants got scaled hide as previously reccomended. I changed my weapon comp from hell’s bane to devil touched then finally to seal of resonance for more resists (good idea bad idea? anything better? I didn’t want to use anything with a cast ability). Both devotions elemental seeker and blind sage now max. With that I was able to get through 37 into 38.

Also, does the physical to fire conversion from desolator work with the proc from Dire maul? I played around with it in shards 36 through 37 and it seemed pretty strong. Anyway this is my first shattered realm attempt and got pretty far. I hope someone can try this and see how far player skill, build tweaks can take it.

I am messing with the following but dropped giant’s blood and viper for Amatok’s. Stupid fast farming and finishes shard 34 facetanking everything 7 min+ left over (blue top bonus treasure boxes). Haven’t taken it farther since I need to farm eldrich essences (suffering from a gambling addiction at the legendary accessory balcksmith). So far this build is super fun, shreds and is controller friendly!

No. Not at all. Not even a little bit.

You don’t want Dire Bear; it does almost literally nothing for this build.

Amatok is a strange choice since it is your least favoured element, so all that +% cold is not as good as +% fire

also one side node of elemental sage gives you almost as much +%cold and frostburn as the entire amatok constellation :sweat_smile:

if you want more offense it would be much more logical to exchange hawk for magi, then you have enough points left to take both side nodes of elemental sage or you can still keep the behemoth devotion proc

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Thanks for all the help. I was trying out any devotions I had access to. I tried dire maul then went to atamok. I saw the conversions so I wanted to see how it played in the shard. This is my 4th character, only 2nd to reach 100, and the only one into shattered realm. Unfortunately, my game knowledge is lacking so what may seem logical will most likely be missed or misunderstood.
I got my absorb up to 98 with another scaled hide in the shoulders. Is this important? Doesn’t seem to make much difference on bosses.
Also switrtched to magi (level 17), side nodes on blind sage and 5% percent health node. I’ll try giant’s blood when I start dying. Farms 32+ with 8+ mins. Iron maiden is the slowest to kill. Archmage requires evading his big green ball, all else can face tank.
I think I need to switch from owl back to empty throne for the slow resist (vestige from switching computers).

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your armor goes up to ~3300, at 70% absorb its ~2300 so each scaled hide is worth ~+450 armor, but armor works only against physical damage so you may not notice much against bosses that inflict low physical damage.

the attuned lodestone has a dmg reducing effect you already have on your ulzuin wrath skill, so maybe replacing this with blazing ruby for more slow resistance is more effective.

Honestly Maiden is a pain on most builds.

In shards 36+ I have to evade Iron Maid on approach; otherwise, she one shots me with her shield bash/dash.

Think it’s worth switching out my chest to Mythical Dawnshard Hauberk? I lose the dallagon2 set but I get a little back as flat lightning.

it converts fire to lightning, so it is the opposite of what you want,

look into your stats tab II, under magical to see which element has most +% dmg, in grimtools it says fire for me.

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