So I might have missed something about the way recipes are displayed differently and how to complete partial builds here. It makes more more sense to show actual cost but I have a 3/4 ruby done I want to fill. When I go to menu I only have option to build new piece for 8 ugdenblooms. Does that mean there is no way to finish?
they removed all partial components from the blacksmith
no way to finish it I am afraid.
This was mentioned in the patch preview
Theoretically you could get the last piece either as a quest reward or going to the inventor and destroy an item with dynamite. However, both ways are luck dependant and you will most likely get other uncompleted components.
PS: I’m not sure whether Blazing Ruby is actually on the droplist for each of those actions, maybe someone else can confirm or deny.
You can’t get blazing rubies anywhere outside crafting
And now you can’t get their partials inside crafting either!
I already mentioned it in the patch thread, Zantai said there should be a hotfix on the way that makes it so that you don’t get partials as reward for any craftable components in the future (which, I assume, means they’ll be either removed from the reward pool or given to you fully assembled, which would be a big increase in rewards). I also asked whether that means partials we have left over in stash will be vendor trash or will get converted to full ones but got no response on that. So hold onto it for now, we’ll see what happens when the hotfix goes live.
Thanks, techinally it’s still does some good but that was in an xpensive work,. Overall patch is great,. I like that lower level mobs are tougher. Cannot sleep on areas I used to just wreck. Still can’t finish set for Tacticism.