These pillboxes would be an extra defense option and could act as an extra measure of protection especially near Hunter Cabins and Forager Shacks that were placed far from the city. With capacity for up to four villagers, in addition to being able to stand guard to attack enemies, there could be a toggle option to kill preys that get near the range area (to avoid wasting arrows). Another particular benefit they could have is the ability to build underground tunnels between different locations, both for safe storage of resources and for troop movement to quickly reach the places being attacked, like pillbox A to pillbox B, or pillbox C near the Barracks inside the city to transport troops to pillbox D that is under attack. The model I imagined could be something that looks like Vietnamese pillboxes.
An additional defense option for walls, trenches would make invasions even more difficult, which in turn could use stairs to climb the walls. For that, it would be necessary to have a lake nearby or aqueducts. Any penalties for not taking care of it (diseases, lack of water dries up the well and makes it easier for enemies to reach the walls?)
Remembering the Great Wall of China, where the wall has a corridor where soldiers could move easily and quickly around the garrison, they could also integrate the Watch Towers to the walls (like the ones in the photos) to save space. Hot oil would be an interesting option to eliminate enemies attacking the walls, although this could end up damaging the wall. Oil production would be done by some construction from some raw material.
I took as an idea a post I had seen in the game’s community on Steam. Basically, within the game, you could switch to a top view that shows the terrain with grid lines, and in a side menu you would have the dimensions of all the buildings (3x3, 3x4, 7x8), where you could grab and drag to the terrain and thus plan more carefully and precisely where each building should be placed. Thus, leaving the planning mode by pressing the OK button, the top view would return to the normal view of the game and the shapes of the constructions where you chose to place would appear on the ground with the name of the construction to be placed. Remembering that within the planning mode you can edit completely, move some construction again, delete, create, etc. It serves only as a layout for you to base yourself on where to place the building, and returning to the normal game mode, you continue building in the same way, only now with direction where exactly to place it. Below is something I thought of.
Credits to Steam user Taipan.
In this example, we wanted to construct 2 Houses, a Shrine, a School and a Bakery and the path.
I don’t know how the deposit scheme works, but whenever I try to transfer some items to the Trading Post, even if they are in the Warehouse, they end up taking a long time to be delivered, and in that delay the items end up being distributed to the villagers, decreasing or until running out and none of these items going to the trading post. In the Settlement Items menu, there could be an option that you would choose the amount of items for population and the amount that would be kept and untouchable so that you could sell.
An alternative construction option for places with low water levels. You can often bring water into homes with just a level 2 well, but an aqueduct built from the city to a nearby lake could help raise the water level or even serve as a large well.
For now, thats the ideas I had so far by playing for 31 hours. Probably I’ll come with other ones, but I’d like to share with you to know what you think about, what is good and what’s not gonna work, and some additional ideias to improve the ideas I listed here. Hope it helps!