A new settlement venture into the desolate lands of Graveburg in search of endless riches

Some of our founding fathers and prominent citizens have heroically searched these lands for their riches, as stated in their journals below. Sadly their attempts have not been prosperous, as all communication has ceased.

After years of speculation and living in the unknown, word finally got back to us. All previous attempts to colonize this barren and infertile land had failed. Yet the riches of this forsaken and ungodly place still piqued our interest.

The lucky few who had not only gotten out, not before the sickness had consumed them as well but also had survived the bleak trek home, had told us there were still salvage sites filled with the remnants of previous attempts which could be our last hope of survival in this hellscape.

With this, a brave handful wanted to make one last attempt to not only survive, but actually thrive in this Hellish place they would now call home.

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Good luck with the new venture! :crossed_fingers:

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The stories were true! These really are barren lands, with very little but shiny trinkets to offer. However, we find solace in the fact that the tall stories of these salvage sites actually do exist!

Not all hope is lost, but we have to dig deep not only in the soil, but also to the depths of our souls to find the strength to survive here.

Game and wildlife are for now our primary source of food, so more bows and arrows are sight for sore eyes. The first winter was harsh and cold, but with more shoes and general clothing, we feel our spirits have been lifted high into the clouds!

3 years in and we are still optimistic. We’ve sent out search parties for survivors but are yet to find any. It’s starting to dawn on us why so many before us have tried and failed. The ground betrays us. The area offers little to no vegetation. No medicines, herbs or even willow. We’ve managed to find a few bird’s nests along some bushes with berries, but we will be hard-pressed to fight off scurvy and typhoid.

Our settlement is slowly growing. We are grateful for the sacrifice from those before us, as it’s kept our graveyard empty so far. We all pray for further leniency, and not have to bury our brothers and sisters.

With spring time coming, we will focus on getting as much salvage as possible this year.

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