A self-target action for Controller

Uhm, weirdly it is not working for me. I am using a nacon controller, i did what the guide on how to use this say but it just wont work apparently.

Dunno, first maybe you could test if you set up Big Picture correctly.
For this you could bind H temporarily (or whatever you used in Big Picture) to some Grim Dawn skill in keyboard bindings.
And then check if you pressing Controller Button activate this skill which would prove it also presses H

I’m sure i have my controller binded through bigpicture,otherwise i wouldnt be able to use the custom controls i am using for controller. The problem is in fact that if i bind 1 to any of the controller buttons or any other keyboard control, it just doesn’t work, which is weird because keyboard controls does work when i try them on my keyboard, they just doesn’t if i bind them to the controller. I dunno what is wrong with it in all sincerity.

so I’m testing it right now and it doesn’t work for me either :laughing:
I mean 1 on R1 doesn’t seem to cast a skill from hotbar after moving a cursor :thinking: (which switches to mouse mode)
but no worry, I should be able to get to the bottom of this

Hey, I managed to do it! Here in the video

  • I press R1 on my Gamepad

  • AutoHotkey detects it, moves the cursor a bit

  • and presses S which I have bound to Oleron’s Rage

AutoHotkey detects that R1 (Joy6) and does some stuff.

Now if you want me to make some initial version of Centered Seal for you,
(or maybe configure the next version of Centered Seal) you need to run this program
JoyDetect.zip (638.3 KB) (it’s from AutoHotkey official site to see which number X (for JoyX in the code below) corresponds to you gamepad button)

(the program displays this window near your cursor)

shift := 1
delay := 40
vertical_pixel_shift := -20
key_hotbar := "s"

    WinGetActiveStats, Title, Width, Height, X, Y
    MouseMove, shift + Width/2, Height/2 - vertical_pixel_shift, 0
    shift := shift ^ 1
    Sleep, %delay%
    Send {%key_hotbar%} 

(the script for doing what’s in the video, I’ll make Centered Seal program from this)

I think I’ll try adding this feature to GDAutocaster [Tool] GDAutocaster - play 🎹 builds with ease, autocasting of skills, combos, faster / automatic camera, autohiding of items, centered Inquisitor Seal and more for all games!

This is what i get running that program when i press R1 on my joystick.

Screenshot (39)

I just want centered seal to work btw.No need to do anything else xD.

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Done. I moved it to GDAutocaster for my convenience.

  • download GDAutocaster

  • unpack test.ini config from test.zip (215 Bytes)

  • run the program, load the config

  • put Inquisitor Seal on RMB in :computer_mouse: & :keyboard: mode (move the cursor to activate it)

    • you could have it on your toolbar in :video_game: mode as well to see the cooldown
  • after casting the seal you need to move your Analog Stick to go back to :video_game:

More info here: [Tool] GDAutocaster - play 🎹 builds with ease, autocasting of skills, combos, faster / automatic camera, autohiding of items, centered Inquisitor Seal and more for all games! - #674 by tqFan

It still is not working.I am wondering if it is something that is in conflict with grim internals?I run GDAutocaster and do everything you wrote up there but the seal just wont cast under my foots.I should try testing running the game normally instead of running it through grim internals to see if that is the cause of conflict cause otherwise i have no idea.

Edit: the problem is not grim internals. Do i have to bind 1 to R1 in the controller layout in bigpicture like with the inquisitorseal.exe?

nope   since I got it to working we should be able to get it to work on your side as well
Let me thing how to tackle this.
I may ask a lot of questions though

  1. GDAutocaster takes like 3 seconds to start working after you’re in-game

I’m out of ideas then atm. Ill try to figure out what’s wrong but not having knowledge in those things is a thing as well xD. All i can say is that i am using a Nacon controller that is detected as a ps4 controller from steam.Other then that i have no idea :laughing: , thanks for trying to help though.

I’ll test again in a minute and ill tell you.

I use Ps4 controller personally, detected as Ps4 controller, connected with a cable.

You could try increasing the delay to 200 in the config for now.

Also I play in Fullscreen - might be worth checking out.

I could also make some GDAutocastere versiion that logs some stuff

There’s no switching to Mouse & Keyboard mode whatsoever after you press your Gamepad button?

Hey, please run and try to cast Seal with this program

  • make sure you turn off the current program

It should create GDAutocaster.log that I’d like you to send me or paste here

log_GDAutocaster.zip (646.8 KB)

And yes, also try

  • fullscreen

  • running GDAutocaster as Administrator (although I never had to but one person I think did in the past)

  • 200 delay in the config instead of 40 that’s there

I will try after dinnertime. I was running windowed mode in fact, you think that is the problem? I’ll write here later when im back at PC to test.

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no clue tbh, just trying everything, I cannot test Windowed Personally because my game freezes instantly which is a problem I’ve been having

GDAutocaster.zip (287 Bytes)

Here,sorry for being so late. I don’t know what is wrong still but to answer one of your questions, no, when i click the button nothing happens, i do not see the switch between controller and Mouse and keyboard like in your video.

I will probably give up because its really tiring me out and i tryed many times to no avail xD.

Edit: i run the thing in a different compatibility mode and it did worked :innocent:

Now the only thing that bugs me a bit is that when i use it the character change direction it is facing and the seal is not perfectly under my feet but that is whatever, is it intended? Also, i kept the delay to 40 because with 200 it casted it away from me.

Also,sometime it bugs, dunno how to describe it precisely, sometime movement gets stuck and sometime it automathically click ‘1’(which i assigned to one of my toggled abilities in MKB mode) for some reason disabling one of my current toggled ability in a way that i have to cast it again.

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  • the log looks great but now it doesn’t matter since you were able to make it work

  • I’ve prepared a different version in the meantime to make it work,
    maybe it will work without compatibility mode :thinking:
    (different function to move a cursor, helped some user in the past)
    last_GDAutocaster.zip (652.2 KB)

This is because the character orientation is dependent on the relative position of the cursor to it.
Clicking cursor in the center doesn’t preserve it / doesn’t know it / because it’s in a fixed placed independent of initial cursor position.

It was annoying to me as well when playing Mouse and Keyboard.
I was able to fix it though by moving the cursor not to the center but very near to it in the direction dependent on your initial cursor position.
I’ll check today or maybe tomorrow if I can do something like that for :video_game: as well or some other workaround

Maybe you still have 1 in Big Picture on your gamepad button? Maybe try leaving it empty. also don’t have any skills bound to it maybe

I had it all the time with Seal on a different button then RMB but perhaps it can happen with Seal of RMB as well. But try removing any bindings from your gamepad button in Big Picture (and also don’t have any skills bound to it).

tweak that with the vertical thingy in the config. It’s needed because the center of the screen is not under your feet but where the character’s head is.

some dirty workaround if what I wrote above doesn’t help could be switching to a different hotbar while playing with gamepad

To have proper orientation after a cast I’d have to monitor the left analog stick direction and move mouse to a position dependent on last movement of this stick. I give it a pass for now. Maybe some other time.

But I think you have to move the stick after center cast to go back to :video_game: mode anyway so it shouldn’t be a biggie? :thinking: