A self-target action for Controller

I wonder if there is a “self target” action for Controller. I mean if you hold down the button (to which this action is mapped) your skill will target at yourself or where you’re standing.

some use cases:

  • Arcanist, skill: Nullification
    yes, this is good skill to remove poison, bleeds, etc. since my character does not have much resistance for those, I think this skill is perfect but it seems I was wrong, this skill is an area target and I have no means of targeting where I’m standing. As of now, this skill is pretty much useless for me. :cry:

  • Inquisitor, skill: Inquisitor Seal
    it would be nice if I can just place the seal on my feet. For now I have to turn back, cast this skill to place the seal behind me and run back to stand on it. :frowning:

I’m on Windows 10 and I use a Steam Controller.

if this action has not existed, please consider adding it. :smiley:

hmm… seems not many people play this game with Controller? :frowning:

I get the impression that the devs are not done with their implementation of controller support. I have to assume that because there’s simply no way the game can go live on a console and hope to gain any real measure of mainstream success with the current iteration. The controller config and UI are pretty clearly sitting in an off-putting middle ground between KB+M and controller designs. It can’t stay that way forever. Using a thumbstick to move a mouse cursor feels awful. I doubt that will ever change.

It’s not my intention to disparage Crate in any way; the game is kick-ass. But OP here is describing what is, in my opinion, the game’s only major shortcoming: the UX needs some love.

As a one off example, I overscroll just a bit in the blacksmith’s crafting menu and lose my place in the list for just a second almost every time I touch the mouse wheel. Adding the ability to use arrow keys to navigate the list would solve this small annoyance entirely and, coincidentally, make the game feel precisely 1.3 metric ass-tons better when using a controller while also falling into line with standard industry configurations for user input. One could make the counter argument that I could click the down arrows on the sidebar and I see where you might be coming from. Until I remember that the arrow buttons are all of about 4 pixels worth of screen space since I had to drastically reduce the UI scale to see the entire item mouse over tooltip for some items.

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I apologize if it’s bad form to “second” a suggestion from over a year ago. I’ve leveled my purifier to ~80, and it’s become unusable due to the inability to self-target the inquisitor seal. It’s hard enough running to the seal when I can see it, but when the screen is filled with monsters and effects, I can’t even make it out. For now I’ll stick with classes other than inquisitor :wink: Thank you so much for the game!!


I have some solution for you in Autohotkey, it’s far not perfect though, but maybe you’ll find it useful.

You bind X for example to 1 with Steam Configurator
this program first moves the mouse to the center
which switches the game from gamepad mode to mouse mode
then it right clicks (you should bind the seal to Right click in Grim Dawn toolbar) //can be changed if needed
which casts the Seal on top of yourself

The problem is that it stays in Mouse Mode after that and you have to use Analog stick just a little bit to switch to Gamepad Mode back again
[if anyone has an idea how to improve it, tell me)
but it works - you fight with gamepad, push Square for example and the Seal is beneath your feet but you need to use the stick briefly after that to be able to use gamepad again

center := 683   ;for 1366 x 768 res

    if (center > 683)
        center := 683
    else {
        center := 684

    MouseMove, center, 384
    Sleep, 10
    Send {Click, right}

Tell me your resolution if you’re interested in testing it
It’s seems better than running to the seal which you don’t often even see

Thanks so much for the suggestion, tqFan! I really appreciate it. :smiley: I’ve never used AHK but when I have a bit of time I’ll definitely give it a try. Since you asked, my display is 1920 x 1080. I don’t think the need to move the analog stick slightly will be a big deal at all – much better than the current situation, for sure.


Now when I now your resolution I compiled

center := 960   ;for 1920 x 1080

    if (center > 960)
        center := 960
    else {
        center := 961

    MouseMove, center, 540
    Sleep, 10
    Send {Click, right}

You don’t even need to install AutoHotkey to run it (it’s only needed for compilation). You can see it running outside of Grim Dawn (when you press ‘1’ your mouse cursor will move to the center (and 1 pixel to the left and to the right back and forth ) and right click. In the game you need to bind some button to 1 in Controller Configuration and bind Right Click to the Seal in Ui skill toolbar. Tell me if it doesn’t work for some reason

How to bind ‘1’ to controller key

[the screen above is from UI Controls by mistake, you need to change Game Controls obviously]

The Seal binded to Right Click

A video showing how it plays (casting The Seal on top of yourself while playing controller)


Here’s a version that works for every resolution (reads resolution dynamically):

shift := 0
    WinGetActiveStats, Title, Width, Height, X, Y
    MouseMove, shift + Width/2, Height/2
    shift := shift ^ 1
    Sleep, 10
    Send {Click, right}

One more thing - don’t bind ‘1’ to Square (A in Xbox controllers) since in my case it opens Game Menu if you tap the button > 1 times for some reason. others buttons don’t do this.

My next toon is going to be ranged lightning Vindicator so I’ll probably use this script as well.

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Hi, I know this is quite an old post but I want you to know that because of this, I am now able to play a vindicator with a controller (due to my hand injury). I am computer illiterate and have no idea how to write all of this so this is a god send. Thank you so much!

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Nice to hear someone has found it useful.
FYI, there’s also a program (but it’s only for Mouse and Keyboard)

which can be used to vastly reduced the number buttons used.
I play piano builds with 3 buttons, have many skills on one button, have skills like Word of Renewal autocasted. Unfortunately not for controller, seems to be like it would require a lot of time to achieved that.

The other thing I could make for a controller that would kinda work is i.e. casting all your buffs at the start of the game with one button. You press a button on a controller which has for example 4 bound to it which triggers casting various buffs from the second quickbar (I have this feature in GDAutocaster but not released yet):


If you press h, it instead presses T, 1, 2, 3,T with a delay between them, wherre T is for switching to another quickbar. This way you can cast all 3 buffs from the second quickbar with one press of a button.

I used these combos to cast i.e. Inquisitor Seal, Solael’s Flame and Word of Pain using one button with my chaos Inqusitor because they can and even should be cast at the same time every 8 seconds or when you approach a new group of enemies.

Other stuff from GDAutocaster like autocasting wouldn’t work with a controller sadly because they demand constant M&K input mode not controller input mode.

Do you mind posting a step-by-step on how to get this to work on steam controller?

If I were to change toons to something that does not need this type of casting would I need to switch steam configurations? I frequently change toons since although I’m looking at playing a deceiver build I want to go back to my warlord from time to time to farm items.

Hmmm… what do you want precisely? :slight_smile: Not sure. Self-targeted seal?
Btw I recommend checking the following guide [what you want is NOT in this guide]

Also please next time reply to me directly (not a standard reply in a topic) because then I get the mail notification.

Sorry I wasn’t more specific. I meant for self-targeting inquisitor seal

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Here’s a step by step

Download a newer version from here

It might not be exactly center because head is in the center not feet :rage:
but maybe first test it before we correct it. We can also change it so that it doesn’t work when not in-game so that it can be running permanently on the computer. But first maybe test it. You need to move your analog stick after casting it I think to go back to controller mode.

step by step would be

  1. Bind “1” to controller button as shown in the firsrt picture

  2. Bind Inquisitor Seal to Right Click in Game on the Hotbar as shown in the second picture

now to run it

  1. run the exe

Now in-game

  • pressing a controller button should press 1

  • this in turn is read by the program/script which moves cursor and click Right Mouse Button

  • this casts Inquisitor Seal in the center where cursor now is

  • you now need to move analog stick or something like that to go back to controller mode

This is what I see when I get to the game controls:

How do I get to legacy keys?

nevermind I feel derpy, I was using my controller to set it up but I should be using mouse. So I can bind it to anything? I don’t want to use X since I use that a lot on other builds

You can use a controller to set it up in Big Picture. I don’t use mouse. Just try changing a button, enter it’s menu and you’ll find legacy keys there

I am trying to download the exe from any of the links but they all say you deleted the file.Could you please reupload it?

Links from here work now: [Tool] Inquisitor Seal cast centrally for controllers in Big Picture

Write if something doesn’t work or you’d like to change something about it.