AAR blocked in a weird place

Somehow AAR gets blocked by this plank?


idono if it’s related or similarly connected to other prior mentions of things

nor as such sure if i should then post it in its own topic or it’s fine here? - or if it’s even helpful or moot adding these now?
but here is another spot where doom bolt present the invisibly blocked behavior too

*it’s a bit long because i’m standing casting a lot, then moving a few feet away to spot where can cast then back again to spot can’t cast

Your video shows exactly what I was experiencing with Aegis.

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yes, i’ve experienced same with aegis, cof, etc
just unsure if it’s exactly the same as with AAR/Drain Essence beam blocks, or if it’s even helpful to post these spots when i remember to catch them :sweat:

Thanks for the reports. Both of these spots have adjusted to correct this issue. The changes will appear in a future update.


So these “castn’t” issues will have to be resolved one-by-one like “stuck in a pillar” reports? That’s disheartening. Especially because I don’t remember them happening before version 1.2.

Another bugged spot (a stone marked by a :headstone:)