Acid Purge Discussion

You guys forgetting that Seal of Blight is primarily a vitality component. It converts phys to vit. The acid one is Seal of Shadows. Why a vitality component grants an active that’s mainly acid and is in no way compatible with the prevalent vitality caster piano playstyle? Why indeed…

I don’t care about Acid Purge because it’s weak and clunky. But I think the real problem is that becasue of it vitality has no decent weapon components. There’s the adcth focused Haunted Steel but it’s also quite incompatible because most vit casters got little weapon damage. If you look around build threads and discords you’ll see the best vit builds use generic components, usually defensive ones. Not because they want to but because they got nothing else to take.

As for Mad Lee’s proposal, I don’t really agree that Acid Purge should be vitality. I think Acid Purge should be moved somewhere else. And the vitality “Seal” component should get something else. Ideally a granted skill that provides passive damage (would be original) and not a channeling skill which can’t be effectively used as a filler between many vitality casts.

Another solution would be to buff Symbol of Solael to include vit dmg, and buff the numbers.


I think the skill in terms of damage is fine, about right for a component skill. It’s not like there’s a shortage on Acid damage converted to Vitality either so I don’t see a point in making the skill more Vitality-focused. I don’t have issues with Ignaffar-style skills but I get that a short range cone spread isn’t to everyone’s liking.

in that case, make seal of shadows the vitality component i stead of acid, with the appropriate thematic conversion on the comp, and vitality instead of acid on the skill.

And make acid purge 100% toxic. like this discussion.

Err I meant acid. 100% acid.


Lol like this discussion. Yeah, why are so many people riled up about @mad_lee’s opinions?

I think he excercised a lot of patience and restraint after getting meme-bombed like that for sharing his thoughts. I’m noobish so, maybe I dont get it? But if theres already an acid seal component in seal of shadows, why should acid take a major role in the vitality seal component, seal of blight?

I think @Boromonokli makes a good point, as do @ya1 and @Nery, all relating to the appropriate skills for these components and their appropriate names in order to accurately represent what their functions are.

Maybe acid purge SHOULD be moved to a different seal, and seal of Blight should get a different skill. Perhaps a different name, too, as Blight seems to hint towards acid and poison in other items, but maybe not.

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Replace it with WPS


After one Seal lost it’s granted skill for a WPS? I’d rather not.

Replace them all with WPS. All of them.


I do enjoy the skill but I agree that acid purge is weak. The flat damage is too low (and the DoT is meh) so the skill ends up weaker than biting blades and chillspikes.

I think ~85 more Vit damage (the component does give flat vit and phys conversion after all) and ~15 more crit % would be nice QoL.

I always felt that the flaw was certain item/component skills that ultimately overshadowed mastery skills, rather than mostly augmenting them. BB and chillspikes are indeed two examples of this on components - this effect becoming more and more pronounced as type conversion options increased. (Ages ago, chillspikes was even more crazy, pre-conversion meta)

However, this far down the rabbit hole, it probably makes more sense to bring some of the other options up.

TLDR: This skill needs a bit of something to compete. If not damage, then some extra mechanics fun addition, such as pass-through.

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I am not sure why “not every build has to be sub 5 mins” is used as a counter-argument here. My suggestion has nothing to do with suiting the needs of Crucible speedrunners. In fact, when it comes to speedrunning Crucible component skills play very small role.
I suggested skill’s redesign because currently it has very little use to Vitality build and zero use to Acid builds. Acid builds got superior Biting Blades and Vitality builds rarely have the luxury to look for Acid to Vitality conversion just include this skill in usually heavy cooldown skills rotation.

Others are few praetorians whose childlish antics are enabled by biased moderation from Zantai and Roman who is probably mad because I told him couple of times that his builds are not good and now is trying to get back at me with low effort memes? Please, dude. I am not a public enemy. It’s just internet forums. Everyone will get over it.

Again, it has nothing to do with builds being fast or not. It’s just the component that is almost never used and there is a good reason for it. Every other Seal is useful, some are in more ways than others. But not Seal of Blight. There is gotta be a reason for it, right? That’s what my feedback was about.

Well, Zantai is pushing the difficulty further and further and builders respond with more advanced and min-maxed stuff. I have given feedback several times on this very subject: it makes up for a very unhealthy kind of endgame for average players/casuals who can’t min-max/pilot that well.


Moderation has simply put like posts with like posts, I don’t see any bias here.


You make this too easy, my guy.

I don’t think the game has gotten harder in one instance (outside of the buffs to Veteran) since you joined the forum, lol. Cruci times decreased from 10-15m to clear 150 at release to 8m, 6:30m, 6m, and now sub-5m to clear 170.

I forget, is this the meme thread or the actual feedback thread? Assuming the latter, Acid Purge has its uses (some of which you’ve been shown by Fluff/etc.) and its hardly in the sorriest state its ever been. It isn’t quite something that can be focused on and carry a character all on its own, but no component is (or should be). That Physical -> Vit exists on the base component is mostly irrelevant, as you will primarily be using this on items with base Magical damage anyways.

The issue Acid variants of Acid Purge run into is that caster-based Acid gear is all almost entirely tailored toward DEE, or has niche Acid support with Raddagan/Deathguard, and you don’t especially want to be channeling Acid Purge nonstop while also spamming the hell out of those freaky green eyeballs. This isn’t something for the component to solve and is instead something to be addressed by other itemization, if at all.


I have said I do believe some “umpf” is needed with acid purge but you can ask folks on discord, I use this skill alot its actually amazing stacked with poison I even use it with cooldown DEE. Now I do see alot of talk about biting blades, what makes you think its superior? It will never get the dot acid purge gives tested TBH I hate biting blades.

This is actually what I was thinking, Maybe like % chance to spew an acid bomb? connect the poison damage directly to the spewed bomb

I’m also using acid purge on most of my vit casters with great success and imo it actually is in a good spot.
You can easily convert it to either full vit (looking at you myth. blood orb!) or full acid depending on ur build.
Fully converted and with a decend amount of cast speed it adds a rly good chunk of dmg.
It does what (I guess) it is/was meant to do.

EDIT: The only thing I can think about is that it could use a bit more range and have a slightly bigger cone / area where it hits.
But that’s about it.

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48 posts were split to a new topic: [The Crucible] Perceived shift in difficulty - especially Crowd Control against players

Planting the poison on a boss at the start of the fight is good value for the short time it takes but the poison is a very minor overall dps boost. The flat damage of the acid purge can deal more than 2k flat damage per second but the poison only does 210 per second, and this is just a component skill.

Biting blades on the other hand can hit twice per throw and has significantly higher flat damage, so the dps ends up much better. The poison being around half the value of Acid Purge is irrelevant (unless you only want a poison effect).

Yea in a perfect world thats how it works, Perfect AAR style positioning. Watch how people run crucible when they dont have biting blades. They completely change play styles over a COMPONENT hell with that im way to lazy , acid purge lets me stand still and facetank without worrying about a rock/pillar

Sure it is, Thats what we all are doing right sharing thoughts about COMPONENTS something used in such cases to fill a gap. The problem is how folks choose to use them and then choose to compare it to another… People chose to build around the skill from the component to do speed runs in crucible then compare it to others that arent on the same level for speed runs. I can promise you all threads like this do is shine light on the real problem and PROBLEMS get fixed around here ive seen, I love it TBH.

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