Act 3 Chapter 1 now available with Build 23!

yes, reaching john bourbon is very quick. there is some additional content if you turn right at the end of mountainss deep, you will find a dynamitable wall that leads to pine barrens. there are some npcs there with quests

Oh my f*****g god, thx you :smiley:

Best Xmas in years lol

Not to mention if you are tough enough/have enough healing there are some fun fights to be had exploring into the Aether corrupted part of the Withering Fields, just north of “Bourbon”.

Great Update! Level 38 after a fast play-through with my Mainchar.

I just got back from Christmas shopping to see this post…

Happy holidays to you guys at CRATE! Thanks for the wonderful update!


Fixed lost casts at fast cast speeds while holding down mouse button

Increased the drop rate of Blood of Ch’thon from Ch’thonic Hero monsters

You guys rock.

Great, hadn’t expected this now, perfect timing :wink:

I suppose it’s time to dust off the GD and have a go at some new content.

Merry Xmas everybody :smiley:

Sup essjay, hope you & rivera can do some Twitch streaming so I can peep you guys while I watch all the college bowl games over the holiday break.

Thanks guys great update to wake up to.

Awesome! Great job getting this out before the holiday break(s).

So looking forward to this, my crappy internet connection can’t download fast enough!

Thanks for all the hard work. Wishing you all a happy holidays.

Btw this game is amazing.

Yea cool I killed that big tentacled eye thing at the end of the Withering Fields then mostly focused on leveling to 40. I saw the dynamite area but just thought it lead back as the alternative path. I will be sure to check it out thank you!

Thank you Crate! Now go take a holiday break you’ve earned it!

(I really wasn’t anticipating a patch until January, such a quick update pace!)

This was a nice surprise that the content was ready so soon. Thank you and Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all the Crate developers and staff.

What a good surprise, Crate!
Really enjoying all new content and loving the variety as well - this part of the act is heavily focused on beasts/beastkin. Love the change from undead and underground cities!

Damn, I find a new job, then disappear for awhile, and look what I find when I come back :eek:

Crate, you folks rock.

Thanks for the update! I had just logged into GD and saw that it was downloading something. “Oho, what have we here?” Did a Smuggler’s Pass run and what to my wondering eyes did appear, but the path continued on!
All I have to say is Holy Crap! I thought we would get just a small area of Act 3, but this is just huge!
Cool new monsters, and even old ones are interesting with the aether corrupted versions of trolls and other critters. The Haunted Scarecrows in the pumpkin fields are wicked. Found out killing them only frees the entities that dwell within them. Yikes!
The fields of aether fire are a bitch; glad I went there with my Occultist first. The Blood of Dreeg is a lifesaver. Got to find some gear that gives aether resistance too, that stuff is vicious.
The Black Legion quests are cool too, but now it’s time for bed; 4am and work come all too early. Thanks again Crate! :slight_smile:

God bless us everyone but especially the employee’s at Crate!

Thank you for the awesome holiday surprise! Looks like it’ll be an all nighter tonight.