Act 3 Chapter 2 is now released with B24!

There will be a level cap increase when Act 3 Chapter 3 comes out, so probably B26. B25 is going to be a smaller release, so it shouldn’t be too far away.

Now that’s an update!

Seriously, you guys are doing a terrific job.

Keep up the great work!!

Awesome news!

Aha, that opened the way, thank you very much. I missed this, because in the Alpha, I have not read any of the NPC conversations. I’ll wait for the final release to become immersed in the game’s lore.

“The suffix “the Dranghoul” has been split into an Armor-only version and an Accessory-only version. This suffix ended up being slightly over budget on accessories and significantly over budget on armor, and required adjustment. The Offensive and Defensive Ability values on this suffix have been reduced. Unfortunately the split into two affixes is not retroactive, so accessories already rolled with this suffix will have lower than intended values”

I have no idea what the term “budget” means in this context, however the last two sentences appear to contradict each other.

Stun Jacks are not fixed. Still unusable without transmuter.

Blitz has shorter cooldown. Nice buff to underpowered skill but I would expect 5 seconds.

Fighting spirit with short cooldown - at last.

Also in previous OA/DA formula there was a small window (between 100% and 105% PTH) where OA increase was very uneffective (it dropped from 7% damage increase per 5% pth to 2% and went up to 4% damage increase per 5% pth after 105% pth). Did you eliminate it? OA redesign is nice moment to do this.

and I still don’t know what Alpha To Coverage does… :expressionless:

Great work! Many thanks!

Is it so hard to do this? I’ve stopped playing this nice game, because i can’t store items, and you making lots of new content instead only one really NECESSARY thing - huge stash size. Excuse me, but I guess, it is very stupid.

What about stash size? Is it so hard to do this? I’ve stopped playing this nice game, because i can’t store items, and you making lots of new content instead only one really NECESSARY thing - huge stash size. Excuse me, but I guess, it is very stupid.
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they did increase the size of the shared stash awhile back

it’s now 4 tabs

yes, I’d like even more room than that (trying to collect all the full sets)

but I’ve discovered that I can throw stuff away and find a replacement in a week or less of casual playing

Thanks for the info and work mate!

Is it possible to let us know what the level increase will be?? I have a few level 45 items/recipes so I’m hoping at least for that :smiley:

Rhis said it’s essentially antialiasing, for trees.

Take heart then, I have never seen them make an increase that wasn’t some multiple of 5. I think that should explain everything you need to know.

fun content, the increase in difficulty in veteran (and normal i guess) seems just right.

dermapterans look cool and hit decently hard especially that queeny.

i need some cult of cthon in my life b26 can’t come soon enough. keeping them in the shadows for 2 2/3 acts has my anticipation for finally hitting them head-on sooo high!

I figured it would be at least 5 if they increased it, but I thought there might be plans to leave it at 40 again, like this build.

What I don’t really get is they’ve mentioned only a few more builds before the game is complete, but some items are available until lvl 75?

Awwwesome Build!!

AAR feels really good now absolutely love it.

if the expansions happen that’s where you’ll see the level cap at 75 or more

1)I’ am playing only on hardcore, and sometimes my characters - SURPRISE! - dying, so i need to store spare items for newborns.
2) Functionality of infinite stash can be realized through lots of dummy characters, but this is stupid and uncomfortable

I can’t believe that nobody considers this to be a problem.