Act 3 Chapter 2 is now released with B24!

now i just need explosive strike to work with melee weapons…

That is where you have procs that go on top of Firestrike which give more AoE - that or use AoE skills to accompany your single target damage via Searing Strike.

no :stuck_out_tongue: want explosive stike to be a explosion :stuck_out_tongue:

And I want my ranged Fighting Form and Zolhan’s Technique to hit more then one enemy.


It’s highly unlikely that Explosive Strike will give AoE to melee as that line of skills is more ranged like Cadence/Zolhan’s is more melee.


I haven’t played GD for a while but all that new stuff looks damn sexy. :stuck_out_tongue:

My chaos/summoner hybrid occultist has probably taken a huge hit with the changes to the “of the Wild” and “of Bestial Rage” affixes, but in counterpart I’m really excited with the Firestrike buff.

I don’t get why you nerfed so many %damage stats though, it’s not like damage multipliers were great to begin with.

Still a great looking update, good work.:slight_smile:

Unmentioned changes to demo:

  • Static strike has higher damage
  • Vindictive Flame has higher DA bonus
  • Explosive Strike has higher physical damage bonus

Sadly but skills which needed buf was not changed (flame touched and Fire Strike)

Another undocumented demo change.

Mortar Trap got its cooldown reduced from 20 to 15, base physical damage is slightly reduced and base fire damage is reduced by half.

Lives for 18 seconds instead of 20 seconds and has HP nearly doubled.

Hey, that worked for me too! Thanks! I guess I was always searching for Alpha To Coverage + Grim Dawn that’s why I didn’t see any concrete explanation of what it does. Its a setting that I’ve only seen in Grim Dawn so far, sorry about that.

Anyone else experiencing freezes in B24 when playing MP?
Happens when I have my inventory open with trader and/or stash, happened on 2 different characters so it’s not character related. Tried even creating new one.

Have to test that in SP still.

Edit: As an Aethar Ray Arcanist I have to say that new changes make it now really viable for solo play, dmg intervals eariler were too far out to clear out large groups of creatures. You had to rely on Flash Freeze to survive.

Can’t wait for lvl cap increase to go for Reckless Power, GD really came to my dream when they made a “glass cannon” viable :slight_smile:

gime me a reason that those skills should do aoe on ranges…
explosive… explosion… do i need to say more… explosions doing aoe make sense, for ranged and melee…
fighting form and zolhan’s technique dont have wording that sugest that there would be a reason for it to deal aoe with a single projectile.

He was being sarcastic :wink:

Some more
Unmentioned changes

Nerfed the player character to the enemy:
Player takes more damage while enemy takes a lot less.
Smaller strike area on enemy while larger one for player to take dmg.

My blade is no longer useful since it’s been reduced to a glorified Butter Knife.

Changed main screen where selecting which character to play from list. List no longer continuous or circles around for selection. Player character no longer under the character but off to the side…you know because it was really in the way, being right underneath the character. :rolleyes:

The enemy seems like they have taken speed meanwhile the player character seems like they have taken Quaaludes. So the enemy moves faster while the player moves slower.

So again overall nerfing of the player characters. sigh
But hey we get an additional area to die in.

I have an iLvl 45 Blessed Torch that dropped for me in B23. The monsters in the Sunken Reliquary go up to lvl 48 or something like that so dropping iLvl 45 stuff is definitely possible. I have never played multiplayer and all my stuff is self found so I am certain I got this item as a drop in a single player game.

I did not notice any problems with difficulty on Veteran. Maybe because I did not made OA heavy characters

Some of them were a little too strong, but the ones you mentioned were refocused to be awesome for pet builds, not as great for other builds.

Sounds like documented changes to me. Well, except for the stuff that’s wrong.

Monsters were not changed to move faster, and player was not made slower. Monsters have slightly better defenses, especially on veteran, so big crits are harder to achieve.

It seems this build actually did improve performance. At warden’s last portal I’m getting somewhat less frequent performance drops and the overall the frame rate hovers above 30, which is nice. Big crowds still usually tank my rig to around 30 or below, however :frowning:

Game is still using only one of my 8 cores/hyperthreads, which makes me sad.

Yeah, Frenetic throw’s 5 minutes of fame are up. Rushing it almost feels like what used to happen when you rushed tremor, lol. The %pass through from heartseeker doesn’t look like it’s going to hit 100, either. :frowning:

On the plus side, maybe my elementalist PRM/Sky shard build will work now!

I must say as much as I like the updates, I had to stop playing… The game has become unstable, in just one hour I have had three desktop crashes, something that wasn’t an issue before. :frowning:

Ather Ray being not blocked by pets makes me really happy, though. Funnily, the headbobbing animation is actually still present, and it’s hilarious to see every character you speak to nod continuously when you first speak to them.

Not mentioned in the notes, but they added an incredibly useful aura buff called “Poison Aura” to a completed Vitriolic Gallstone - my Occultist is even more powerful now, and it even affects pets, boosting acid and poison damage.

Gotta say I like the Dermapterans, though they were not a big threat so far (I have only cleaned the farms yet). The Sentinels remind me of Duriel, actually. They look really scary since they are so huge.

A request - Pet Bonus (Subjugator’s, for example) suffixes spawn so rarely. This was a problem in TQ too, I kept visiting every shop in every town to find me proper rings for a summoner build. Maybe a blueprint for such items could be made so you can make them at the blacksmith?

More game crashes in MP mode on client side.
MP impossible :frowning:

Added Alpha To Coverage graphics option

What is this exactly? It seems to have a large impact on performance even on my machine (i5 3570k @ 4.5GHz, MSI GTX 970 4G @ +140/+500).

I may be crazy but it feels like the stuttering has improved with this patch, it’s not entirely gone but it’s not as bad. But I’ve only played like 15 minutes of the new content, I’ll go play some more now!