[Aesthetic Suggestion] Character Selection Screen

Hello everyone,

First time poster here. I wanted to see if anyone has made the same recommendation as I want to put forth: The developers should offer a toggle on the character selection screen that allows the player to choose between the three animated screens (Base, Malmouth, and Forgotten Gods).

The first time I ever played this game my friend had purchased Ashes of Malmouth for me and hearing the music right as the Crate Entertainment logo was shown has always been the most satisfying part of logging on.

I personally am not the biggest fan of the Forgotten Gods log in only due to the fact that it is less dark and sinister than the two others. I love the dreadful atmosphere of this game and it’s ability to make me feel truly unsettled in the game world.

As I said in the beginning I am a first time poster, so I apologize if I have brought up something that’s already been discussed.

Thanks for stopping by.

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It has indeed been suggested and it would be nice if they did do that. In the meantime tho we’ve made it possible via other methods…

[Request] Main Menu Selection


Thank you very much!

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No prob. If you need any help with it just ask. That thread auto-closed sometime ago so you’d have to ask here. I need to quit procrastinating and move that into it’s own thread so it’s easier for people to find.

powbam is GI required for it to work, or is that only for the direct toggle part?

No. GlockenGerda did put together the files that enable this functionality but her tool is not involved in any fashion. She did this totally independent of Grim Internals.

Even my tool in that link is not required. I only created it to make switching backgrounds easier, should the user wish to switch them semi-frequently.

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sweet, i run a “vanilla” interface operation in Cairn :yum:, but i do miss the old menu screens, cheers :+1:
and cheers @GlockenGerda :hugs:

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