After playing for the first time since May

So it’s been that long, and I have to say I have seen some definite improvements!

  • Wheelbarrow efficiency is so much better, with those villagers stopping at individual sources of whatever they’re gathering before heading to wherever they’re using that thing.
  • Military garrisons on screen and their new command functionality. First time I left them outside for a while was a surprise, but learned to go over to the garrison building and click Retreat.
  • Got a bit of use from upgraded Herbalists, but would have probably hit harder if I was playing in Arid Highlands (at least before T4)
  • Loved the Pastries, made my Fruit network feel more meaningful
  • Desirability radius increase was great to upgrade to T5 Mansions
  • Boars coming out of Boar Dens was a pretty great change

I had some experiences that could have used some more work too:

  • What happened to Catapults and Battering Rams? On Vanquisher, raiders seemed to be incredibly weakened. The odd Battering Ram appeared in the earlier game, but now in T4 in 500+ pop it’s just less than 100 weak raiders.
  • Fields often leaving crops to rot
  • Temporary Shelters not being used, workers instead walking all the way to town to shelter for winter

Some things that could find more purpose in a later date (DLCs probably):

  • Things to use the excess Tallow, Wax, and Hay on
  • Fruit variation/alternative purpose for Pears
  • T2 upgrades for some industrial buildings that simply give more slots, use for excess Bricks and Planks, and maybe a slight productivity boost (Cobbler, Tannery, other T2 Production buildings).
  • If T5 is ever introduced, perhaps an upgrade for the T4 everlasting extraction buildings?
  • T3 Trader that increases gold all the traders have to allow better selling of excess when doing extreme pop settlements