an unnatural pattern emerges in forest

"When I upgrade a work camp and have the workers both cut down trees and plant trees, an unnatural pattern emerges. Can this be adjusted so that the natural look of the forest is preserved?

Your workers are gathering wood and stone, AND planting new trees… in the area you have defined. :wink:
You can adjust 3 activities.

Wouldn’t make any difference to them planting trees in a circle though. They’d still do it. And the work area is larger than that area where the trees have been planted.

New tree placement could use a bit more randomization

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I like to move around the work area so the planting covers a larger area than they’re actually working. Makes it look more natural, too.

In real life planted forests often look like this. Same with fruit-tree plantations. An option for chaotic / matrix style planting would be nice. One idea off topic from this - the arborist should have big area as foresters, but not all land needs to be free and they plant themselves where it is free land. This tree clicking is not necessary in this game - it should not be like farmville or something (click to harvest tomato, click to milk the cow, etc.)

I totally get you there. Don’t like that unnatural look either. What I usually do is the following. I look for a piece of naturally grown forest with sufficient density of trees and let my planting be done in there. That way this circle planting/chopping area smoothly embedds into the natural woods. If needs be (or there is no such suitable natural forest close by) you can also add these manually planted trees (Mapple, Oak, etc.) to achieve a more natural look :wink:

This is how one of my chopping/planting areas looks like:

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