I want to farm the vanquisher set. But i will run out of materials for the skelleton keys.
What mob type can drop the mats?
Only Bosses?
My Strategy till now was for every session: run a Rogue like dungeon + kill the gatekeeper from bastion of chaos and the hero mobs. But this is not enough to get enough mats to keep up with the demand.
and yes! I know you can transmute tainted brain and ancient heart to Blood of C… at the smith. But still not enough. And I know about the dismantle legendary items with dynamite.
I need a efficient farm route to keep up with mats.
so, Hero mobs can drop the rare crafting materials? Why cant i get any? I grind 24/7 bastion and port and kill all heros and i get no tainted brain and no blood.
If i get lucky the named bosses drop one. The guardians in port valbury and the gate keeper from bastion of chaos.
Is this with the new patch? shadow nerf the drop rate? I had never have this issue before…
What level are you and what difficulty are you trying to farm? Because if you’re 10 levels or higher than the monsters then they won’t drop rare crafting materials.
can hero mobs drop the blood of C, ancient heart, tainted brain material or not? If not I should rush to a named boss kill him and save and exit and repeat. Diablo2 like.
Best way to farm those rare mats is to dismantle legendaries. Farm SR, totems, Cru, Nemesis or whatever suits for you and save the uncessary legendaries, then dismantle them. You’ll get a lot of those among with Wendigo Spirit, Aetherial Mutagen, Blood of Cthon etc.
That’s an example for an aether corruption hero. Check the “notable loot” tab to see if a hero drops bloods/brains/hearts. Browse the monster database if you’re curious if certain heroes or races of monsters drop crafting materials.
In the example I linked, that hero has a 2.5% chance to drop one.
I am level 100. ultimate. I know about the smith and the dismantle stuff with dynamite. I play the game for 1095 hours
I only want to know the droprate and the most efficient way to farm this stuff. And yes. some bastion of chaos runs have the nemesis boss inside, and even with nemesis you can sometimes net -1 blood (for the key). Little sad. But maybe I was on the bad side of variance this morning.
edit: 2,5% chance… better skip everything and only kill named boss mobs for 15% chance. feelsbadman.