Announcing Fangs of Asterkarn!



speak only for you

Checking the date its not April 1 right? O joy O joy. I cant wait. This is the best news.

After looking at the game’s official posters, I guess it was always meant to have a third expansion:

  • Original game release: red. The Chthonians.
  • Ashes of Malmouth: green. The Aetherials.
  • Forgotten Gods: yellow. The Eldritch Sun.
  • Fangs of Asterkarn: blue. ?

So do we get Purple eventually?

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Soooo, super curious how will some skills work with the shapeshifts… Eye of reckoning bears?! :sweat_smile:


Yesterday definitely had some similarities to April Fools for example Zantai’s bad jokes :stuck_out_tongue:

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Moar! MOAR!

Come on. When has Crate ever not given us MOAR! :grava_yes:


That’s what we like to hear!

Well F…k me - Zantai you finally broke down and DID IT!

May all of Cairns gods bless you and your family and their future families.

Unbelievable happiness!

Please give berserker something that bonks hard and loud af. Hammer of the Ancients, Glacial Hammer, etc as inspo.

No moves in current game except maybe blitz scratch that “I am so insanely physically strong” itch that I yearn for in ARPGs.


So that ultra-difficulty that will pump every enemy SR75-like:
This will exclude celestials like Mogdrogen and Ravager, right ?

But I like his jokes. & no im not trying to butter him. lol. I prefer having someone with a sense humor on here. I think it helps. You think about it, putting up with us all these years, he has too.

For me that’s Primal strike. Nothing says bonk harder than smashing things with motherfucking lightning.

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It’s a cool skill but it doesn’t hit the spot for me.



So will there be finally more languages supported officially? I wonder how it would be translated into polish… Cant wait to see the results.

Wow, not ever day a game released 7 years ago is getting an expansion! There is a reason I have been playing this game for so long, and I eagerly await this expansion!
Given the theme of the new areas to explore, I expect Mogdrogen will be involved… and so will probably his enemy, the Ravager.
I am super stoked for the new mastery, the Druid has been my favourite class in Diablo II, and the D4 version is rather underwhelming. I trust Crate to make the mastery a lot more interesting.
Unlocking Legendary versions of Epic items sounds great…I wonder if it would be existing ones or new?
And yay for rerolling Rares. No more runs to kill pesky Wraiths for me! :stuck_out_tongue:
I have been clamoring for a new Beast Nemesis to be encountered outside of the swamps, hope we are getting that! Not sure what the 5 new Hero Monster archetypes mean…
Potions have been getting less and less useful with all the other ways to regain health, so I welcome this upgrade!

In the stream he mentioned a scout will be waiting around Fort Ikon and talking to him would unlock the new area.

I had a shapeshifting werewolf Druid summoner build way back in Diablo II, would be nice if we could do that again. And yeah, the game oddly always lacked a canine enemy model, save for the Rifthounds but well, they are more reptilian than canine. (and well, there are the Hellhounds encountered around the Sanctum of the Three)

This is incredible. Absolutely incredible.

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The Fangs of Asterkarn key art is now available in wallpaper format on our Media page.