three of my most beloved words: TOLD! YOU! SO!
I would like to file a complaint with Management: WHY CAN’T I BUY THIS EXPANSION YET??
Thank you for your time.
Please make some kind of chest where you could store all your things! Creating new characters for this is very tedious! And there is no desire to use third-party programs for this
“A chest where you can store all your things”?
You mean like Shared Stash?
He probably means - give us more stash tabs, something that a lot of people have been requesting for years now
You guys and girls at crate are love!!! You rocks so bad!!! thank you for this annoucement!! i will have to add to my 4000 hours of grimdawn playing time soon this is so awsome!!
Keep up your awsome work,
It’s so nice to come back once again to enjoy this masterpiece getting an expansion
Yeah just go Last epoch route. Endless tabs if you got the cash
Wow I just had to log in to say… AWESOME.
You folks at Crate are just full of doing that which we ask for. You people rock.
Affix Transmutation!!! Finally! This will be sooooo awsome. Can’t wait Thats it. That is what I was waiting for. Love you guys!!!
You guys are unbelievably amazing for the work, devotion, care, and passion that you give to this GOAT of a game and to your players and supporters. Not enough good things can be said about you guys at Crate. Grim Dawn was already my favorite game ever made, then you go and create a new story in the exact part of Cairn that I always wanted to spend more time in and have deeper story elements to explore there (Asterkarn). I love you guys!
PS – With the release of the new Berserker mastery, I really need to request something that I’ve wanted in GD for a long time, and this melee focused Berserker badazz absolutely needs it.
PLEASE consider creating a new claw and/or fist type weapon for our new Berserker maniac badazz
I cannot to wait to play as a Werewolf with Primal Strike…
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!! I was on the verge of uninstalling my GD …(all 40 characters - all level 100) as I floundered away on DIablo 4 (Yuk - what a terrible waste of time!) and then this wonderful news comes out…I don’t care what the price is…I will buy it!!! Thank you GRIM DAWN DEVELOPERS!!! You folks ROCK!!! (now for the long wait until next year…bummer…)
Are there going to be any changes to bounties and factions reputation?
Zantai said in the dev stream that rep for Kymon’s and Order will get doubled and Outcast’s will get tripled. Nothing about bounties.
It is good that there are still studios like in the world that create their games out of passion together with their community. D4 is the profession of the last years for me. I will never buy anything from Blizzard again, D4 was their last chance for redemption. Diablo brand just a shame
Damn. I don’t see many old faces.
I hope more people return with this announcement.
All I hope for is more repair, save quests. Forgotten Gods took place in a camp setup in the ruins of another civilization. Hope this one takes place in a place similar in design to Homestead or Devil’s Crossing, and our actions actually help repair the place.
Hey I’ve just seen one
I’m late to the party as usual. Hyped for the new content!
Been going through a hell of year personally so this is definitely some welcome news for a change.