Announcing Fangs of Asterkarn!

or, an unjust retcon of Cairn history ? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

more reason to play a completely fresh playthrough!

since grim dawn lore still has lots of obscurity (especially regarding the erulan empire itself), i don’t mind some retcons here and there inserted into little conversations and notes around cairn. i don’t remember any other conversations or notes mentioning the carinians, aside from ulgrim’s statement above.

however, once gd had become a big enough series on its own with many established lore facts that fans were familiar with, retcons would be unwelcomed… especially the stealthy kinds.

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Really excited to return to Grim Dawn upon hearing this! The best ARPG on the market by quite a distance. No useless RNGs, great questing, insane itemization, so that you are always mixing and matching and finding something new.
My question is. Is it possible for you guys to consider maybe a ‘Monk’ class. There is simply no words to describe the joys one feels, while punching the foes of the world to death! Also, because they are my favorite class in cRPGs!

HELL YES! Still plugging away at HC Classless, so this news is an awesome surprise!!!

@Zantai I only have 1 request, so I can get my friend into this game- Can we please get a Loyalist DLC with additional hairstyle illusions like the Powdered Wig, and some unique illusions for gear like monk robes/martial arts style outfit, invisible weapon and off-hand, etc?

The only thing keeping my best friend from playing this with me is the character models always have the same hair and face. I figure at least illusions for different hairstyles in a Loyalist DLC would go a long way.

The invisible weapon/off-hand illusions and Monk robes/martial arts style outfit would be something I would love because I continue to puzzle out many various unarmed custom “monk” builds, and would love some variation on flavorful outfits for this kind of character.

I do understand this is super niche and probably wont happen- Fangs of Asterkarn is already more than we deserve, thank you so much for adding more to this incredible game! My favorite ARPG of all time! I haven’t been this excited for something since the Sorcery TCG Kickstarter! 2023/2024, what a time to be alive!!!

Much respect to you and all of Crate, this is such awesome news!

I have only 1… No, 2 things to say!

Crate Dev’s: You are sneaky, devious & bloody awesome! :love_you_gesture: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:
Hurry up!! I am slowly dying waiting for this now! :crazy_face: :joy:

I built a new PC early 2016. Grim Dawn was one of the first new games I bought and have played since! One of the rare games that hasn’t bored me to death within 6 Months! In recent years, because of the great MOD support. I have most of them, but the Reign of Terror MOD is my fave, though I like & play others also. :vulcan_salute: Thanks for so much fun!


Would you be taking this opportunity to address some quality of life issues?
Like decoupling floating combat text font size with UI Scale? Playing on steamdeck the combat text is way too small at 720p, because you need to scale the UI way down to fit the screen.

And thank you for adding affix transmutations, GD always felt a bit lacking in item crafting, there is too much trash loot and farming is the only possible source of items with perfectly rolled affixes, feels really bad when character progression gets blocked by RNG drops, and thankfully, with the introduction of affix transmutations, we finally have some control over bad RNGs, which brings GD on par with other titles like POE and Diablo.

Can’t wait to play this DLC on the deck, super hyped about the new transformative spec (more info on that please), and like others have mentioned, would love to see a monk class down the line!

This is so amazing. I thoight it was ended. Im more excited than for this than everbefore. Grim dswn is allready the best game. Masgerpiece


Does the new dlc have any new devotions?

We don’t know yet. Will have new shirnes.

iirc Zantai said on stream, no new devotions. But there will be more devotion shrines.

Uroboruuk does not have his own devotion and this is insulting! :angry:

OK which Developer do I have to give a beating :thinking: We were told “There will not be any more expansions” Man I am as hyped as a kid on Christmas. I have been in an ARPG Frenzy the last few weeks. I do not have a lot of time but I had a few beers last night and gamed till 1h30am and woke up at 4 am to work :grin:


grandpa uro’s soul probably goes to the reaper constellation.

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Will this also come to Xbox? And will there be a 4k option for Xbox?

Will Daila make another appearance with another quest for us I wonder. :thinking:

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considering she never actually made it home to Homestead (as she said when departing from Korvan Basin/turning in the final quest) :grin:, that could then make sense if Crate puts her in FoA too

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Yeah, exactly. She said she might go back and see her daughter, but didn’t think she could go back to her old life so I wouldn’t be surprised to see her wandering around in the west. :smile:

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I’m hoping for the continuation of Elsa’s storyline. The current conclusion is a little bit of a letdown tbh.
Since she works for the Black Legion now and Asterkarn isn’t far from the BL outposts Homestead and Fort Ikon, there might be a chance to see her again in the mountains.

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she murdered Mornay and disguised is as being the trolls, how is that intrigue a let down Grim Dawn Meme Corner - #918 by Gnomish_Inquisition

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Fangs of Asterkarn will be on xbox???