Yes, confirmed here.
I was hoping for development on the cult leaders dissapearence after the end of forgotten gods campain where the messenger was acting as he dont know nothing…
More likely that would be in any GD2 in future, but we’ll see. We don’t yet know much about the storylines for this expansion.
I’m 98% sure they were the Witch gods, and now they just fucked off back to Eldritch realm.
the 3 witch gods’ cultist leaders were implied to be the original vessels for the 3 witch gods (some FG lore note about bysmiel’s description matched with her appearance as matron of bysmiel cult). they were probably busy restoring control and stability in the eldritch realm to minimize further damage to cairn from otherworldly invaders and to prepare themselves and their followers for more threats against cairn and their dominions.
This is super exciting. I have 1700 hours on Grim Dawn, but I still haven’t got all achievements. Grim Dawn has been a dear friend to me ever since I laid eyes upon it in 2014. It was the first game I bought to my Steam account, and it was the first Early Access game I ever tried. From then on I never really stopped playing it, I just took pauses. I was wondering the other day when Crate was going to announce anything Grim Dawn related, because I thought the game was done updating, but I didn’t expect another expansion! I guess it’s time to start the journey all over again and lose myself for weeks!
Soo… We’ll finally get a 2h melee chaos MI?
It already exists
not an MI
Hype is real.
Zantai how many more hours do you want me to play this game? :>
Sadistic… If it wasn’t that goddang gud :>>>>>>>>>>
If I remember right Zantai said the expansion will be more of a parallel story than a continuation.
parallel story means its a filler anime episode for gd~. gd skiing, camping & hotspring filler episode XD
I have almost 2000 games on Steam, but Grim Dawn is my most played one by far. Cannot wait for this expansion!!!
Dude! Respect for both of those talking points!
Oh look I found what I’m doing after I finish Elden Ring and Sekiro. Looking forward to it Crate. Here’s to another few thousand hours theorycrafting.
I hope that next year after the new DLC, we will have another new DLC Loyalist Pack III.
With many giant 2H Swords.
And perhaps a tribute to Kentaro Miura by bringing an illusion of Berserk Armor.
It would be a dream for me lol =)
Who knows, even capes and hoods!!
Supposedly it is to be, we have been asking them for a long time .
Can u make scale leveling optional for v1.2? Would be better…
You can always start from legendary if you want.