Any Paladin builds using a 2-hander? Pierce/Phys/Internal dam?

I have all three of those on my Warder and was thinking about a 2-handed weapon paladin. I also have a bunch of armor and gear with those damage types to help level the pally.

I was thinking something along those lines. I know it doesn’t have Vire, Oleron, or Unknown Soldier tho, the others should work fine?

Personally I’d like to use the weapon’s conversion and attack speed. Just +2 to Paladin doesn’t seem like enough. The weapon slots are very competitive.

I thought about Physical EoR the problem with that there’s no Fire to Physical that would suit the build and Elemental to Physical would render the Lightning conversion obsolete. And there are weapons such as Avenger’s Crusher or Gutsmasher

The Physical Storm Box conduit might fit the build: Unique prefix

Could be fun to level Physical Vindicator / Archon, perhaps even making some endgame build with it although other weapons such as the ones mentioned or Korvan Wyrm might be better.

Melee physical 2H Paladin means no Shattering Smash and no Safeguard which is already pretty bad. Plus the fact that this is a sword with 20% armor piercing means that a good chunk of your flat physical damage is gonna get converted away from your main damage type. For pierce, Nadaan’s Reach would be much better.

This can be a good leveling weapon though.

tqFan: Yeah, I like that 26% attack speed. Plus it has some neat affixes besides the +2 to Paladin skills. The plusses to skills stood out for me first and got me thinking, could it work? At 94, I would rather have a purple weapon vs. a blue one.

I’ll have to look into the Physical Storm Box idea. I haven’t used that skill, so it would be interesting to see if it’s better than using horn or judgement.

I do like the Shaman class a lot, so Vindicator and/or Archon would likely make it on my alt list. I am always on the look out for another character to play. So far I have a Warder, Purifier, Elementalist, Warlord, and a Paladin.

Crab_Turtle_2112: Yeah, in any game it’s hard to picture a Paladin not using a shield and a one-hander. But when I saw that weapon, it made me think about a paladin using a 2-hander.

I do have a Mythical Nadaan’s Reach. So at 94, for grins and what not, I’ll use them both and see which one deals the most hurt. I am guessing the purple one.

I am using the level 30 version right now. So far it is really easy to kill things, so leveling to the next one at 65 shouldn’t be too bad at all. It’s fun so far, but that’s only because I haven’t met any resistance yet.

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I’m not sure of that. I played Baldur’s Gate where Paladins are rather 2h sword users. Not only you meat Keldorn who is a Paladin specializing in them and has his own custom 2h sword but also one of the best weapons in the game - Carsomyr - is a 2-hander that can only be wielded by Paladins.

Also Paladin using a 2hander: [] World Police and Friendly Fire - 5 Guardians of Empyrion Paladin [4.20 Crucible] [SR75] [All Celestials] although it’s just a stat stick, the character doesn’t actually fight with it so I guess it doesn’t count.

I played a 2-hander Paladin in Diablo II and WoW, but I saw most of the players using a 1-hander and a shield. I think most of the pictures, if not all, that I saw for D&D and AD&D (both editions) had the Paladin using a sword and a shield.

I am just used to seeing the typical cookie cutter Paladin in games, so I am always looking for a way to use a 2-hander with a viable build for end game goodness.

I played some of the D&D/AD&D computer games, but never Baldur’s Gate. I actually have one from GoG too. It’s the Icewind Dale one. That was a fun game when it was new. It’s a bit dated now, even the ‘enhanced’ version. I’ll have to play that again sometime, this time with a 2-hander for grins. Watch him die before anyone else does.

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