Arcane fucking mobs =/

Dispelling my fucking potions is absolutely NOT ok crate! i paid for that shit =/

Nice feedback there, buddy. Let me give something at the same level: git gud.

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Your feedback is invalid, next!

Well, you not only paid for the potions but for Arcane Heroes, too.

So…all is well. :slight_smile:


They doesn’t disable your exp potion, which is the most expensive one now. Others can be replaced easy and are generally cheaper.

just don’t get hit :slight_smile:

op, this thread may help solve your problem with arcane enemies:


Aye, just play Pets :stuck_out_tongue:

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No bird soars too high if he soars with his own wings! :stuck_out_tongue:

William Blake

That is why you use Bysmiel’s Trinkets. So you can have 2 birbs supporting each other.

They might even be able to carry a coconut between them image

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I bet we can team up, since I have birb now too :smile:

But going pets eliminate the problems of dealing with Arcane heroes yourself!

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that’s something but not enough imo, i use lots of regen potions, and they cost mats to craft, that have to be farmed. they shouldnt be striped by stupid arcane mobs, period.