Arcanes are an incredibly awfuly designed mechanic

Average arcane enjoyer


Well I don’t fall into either of these camps, so I’m not sure your argument holds water.

In the extreme case, however, one could view Arcanes as being a soft-death. In death, you still need to retoggle all your buffs - worse, you need to respawn any summons, too, which Arcanes do not dismiss. So arguably getting nullified is just a budget form of dying. And my advice is to try not to die.

…of course, being nullified is also a pretty good way to wind up dead, too.


27 August


Fixed an issue where Nullification cast on characters by Arcane Heroes in Shattered Realms puts players in a position of having to recast their auras in the heat of battle. Players can now do it comfortably in Conclave of the Three because Nullification was changed to kill on the spot.


Or, or, some people actually like this mechanic because it forces the player to not actually bumrush everywhere and survey the battlefield to not accidentally aggro a bunch of enemies that have the possibility of an Arcane hero being in the mix on top of other dangerous enemies. Thus slowing the pace of the game and not turn it into zoom-zoom-oneshot everything without a care in the world like it happens with other games in the genre.

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or people don’t find arcane’s effect a “punishment” because the game gives you several options to deal with them, making them less of a “challenge” and more of a basic priority target and sorta simple to deal with ?

one thing is you disliking the “punishment” of having to toggle your buffs on, another thing is being dishonest in how people perceive arcanes

imo, because you have multiple options of counter play, and arcanes die so fast, it feels silly to dislike having to toggle your buffs back on; because you aren’t supposed to be nullied by them in the first place

i’ll repeat this once more

“don’t get nullied and the “punishment” gives you 0 grievance”
yes, it’s that easy,
(there is 0 “git gud” souls elitism about it; because it’s as simple as target switch, or run away)

-last time i think i was nullied was months ago, when i kited Grava’s orbs into an obstacle in SR 75 lava boss room, and the orbs clipped through the thing instead of exploding. Didn’t so much “bother” me turning on my buffs again, as it did kill me tho :grimacing:

This is actual bullshit because i have had his null projectiles just completely ignore object collision on several occasions as well.


I am still learning, didn’t think his balls can be that homing, they made 90 degrees turn right there :laughing::

Grava died to DoT a second later :thinking:


Cool, so arcane heroes will match Grava :grava_yes:

But since this is the 100th anniversary of this exact topic, I will drop my two cents.

Arcane heroes really depends where you meet them. In Crucible you laugh at their expense .

In campaign they are not swarmed by dangerous enemies anyway and I haven’t died even when I am dispelled. First time as noob, when met them was debuffed. I thought, that was my mistake of not applying the buffs but obviously wasn’t. Anyway next time I was able to see what exact attack caused removal of buffs. Every player paying attention can. But even if yo don’t, you shouldn’t die in campaign because of that. If you do the issue most likely is in your character.

In SR is another story. You often fight hordes of high ranked enemies in cluster fuck of effects. It’s tough to spot precise attack, especially on low FPS and effects on low won’t gloom you. And in the crowd movement skill isn’t reliable source of escape. Now if you do spot them it’s easier to find solution. Like freeze them for instance. If we talk about bigger problems, in SR we have immortal crystals, which can’t be harmed and in higher shards can one-shot you. Just saying…


Arcane and Reflective heroes in Crucible might as well have no hero tag because they mean nothing there. :stuck_out_tongue:

ye,. i hate those
and especially when you get the tight corridor 98% filled to capacity placement of them :unamused:

How about… not to walk through that corridor and choose another path?.. :thinking:

This is the most relevant argument imo. In SR it can be very tough to actually see them because they come in clusters of other heroes together with big trash mobs. It’s hard to pay attention to everything all the time, especially when other factors come in as well, like those crystal traps on some maps and as you’ve already said, all the effects going on at once. Because in SR general mob shards often are quantity over quality and just a giant clusterf*ck in general.


That’s the blame of SR and not actual arcanes themselves. Then again, i don’t like SR at all.

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literally not up to you the way SR map layouts work depending on how those Crystals are placed
aside from several "1way starting path"maps you have maps like the sewers or deadman’s gulch where you can get layout of crystals that just means you have 0 way of progression/moving forward to the rest of the enemies without taking hits from them
and on stuff with 10-12k HP that can just often be a straight up game over at times if the placement is real tight/sucky


I agree. I have no problem with the actual mechanics of Nullification, because

I like Loxmere, I like Grava, I like Arcane heroes in main campaign. I think it’s fun. In SR it can feel really really cheesy, though.


Oh look, Grava’s only fan. :stuck_out_tongue: (just a dumb joke)

My issue with SR, and applies to Crucible as well, is that is its idea of challenge is to throw everything but the kitchen sink, just drown the player on so much garbage, forcing the player to deal with unironic two rows of debuffs because enemy packs can be so big.

Obviously i’m not gonna give anyone shit for liking it and i get the appeal of random spawns and high concentration of enemies, i just don’t like it myself.

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i think it might be hard to handle it differently with GD’s style of combat
Like you can’t have too many XYZ bosses with phases or telegraphs in a gangbang/Cruci, since it would be equally lethal if you didn’t spot X ability tell
And tuning Cruci gangbang down so we could deal with such type enemies, we’d basically just end up with a SR pre boss room fix (aside from them having to be implemented too)
I think stuff like Grava, MQ, Zantarin etc tells/telegraphed skill bosses are great,
I can’t dodge Fabius SS to save my life, but i appreciate it can be done, considering how non-agile GD combat is i think these things (and quirks) are awesome

So how do you make it harder, when you don’t have active dodges/Dark souls keep on rollin’, no qte defences or manual block etc etc etc?
well, you ramp up the dmg - and throw the kitchen sink at the player, because it’s all there is left
almost the same with SR (chunks) now,
idono, i’d have sworn pre boss room fix you didn’t accidentally ass pull or range aggro stuff in chunks from 2 screens away, crystal layout wasn’t half as heinous and healer/nemesis combos seem more “screw you” deliberate now
tho it might just be all my imagination,
either way, non-skill stuff like that seems about the only way to artificially increase difficulty, when you don’t have agile combat available, that isn’t just “increase monster dmg by X” :sweat_smile:

They sure are tough, but it all depends on which build you have.
Some chars require a lot of toggles, while others don’t. That’s where Arcanes can be a pain for some builds, and usually those having a lot of toggles aren’t the toughest in the first place. Playing arcanist classes a lot, i feel the hit when i’m hit with Nullification and need to toggle back 5-6 auras at once.

A good change would be to create a “toggle all” action, but i’m not sure it’s possible on a technical level.

Just don’t get hit :slight_smile:


And you will never need healing potions, armor etc. Sounds right :face_with_raised_eyebrow:.

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