Are Level Caps (skill caps) necessary?

I love this game, but once reaching level 100, there is no reward for continuing to play with that character. With present caps in place, a character receives 217 skill points to distribute amongst their chosen skills (mine are usually Demolitionist and Necromancer). I would need to receive 794 skill points to max out my skills and at level 100 I can only achieve ~1/3 of that leaving 577 skill point assignments open. Not to mention, I do not agree with throttling back skill point rewards for leveling up (3 for level 2-50, 2 for level 51-90, 1 for level 91-100). They should all be 3. It would be nice to see a patch that removes these limitations from the game. My character achieved level 100 during second play through as an Elite character. I wanted to then try Ultimate, but what is the point now that there is no more leveling up?

Youā€™re not supposed to be able to max both of your skill trees.

And about level cap, devs in Crate align to the idea that characters should reach a point where theyā€™re finished, contrary to a paragon-like system as in Diablo 3.

So what you ask is very unlikely to happen, specially because with the announcement of the new expansion, they already confirmed that there wonā€™t be a raise in the level cap or max devotion points.

Lastly, the game is already balanced around the idea of certain number of skill points, so what you ask for would have unpredictable ramifications in terms of balance.

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Reward, no not really. Incentive, yes.

Superbosses (which reward you with exclusive gear)
Shattered Realm
Double Rare MI farming

With the present system in place, I cannot even max out one skill tree. As far as balance is concerned, I would disagree. There are numerous times where even a level 100 character can be easily killed by their foes and frequent use of hit and run strategies must be employed to survive. That is only my experience at the Elite play level. I am disappointed by your reply, but not surprised.

I must agree with you there. But continuing to build character stats beyond level 100 would be a tremendous pleasure as well. I donā€™t believe TQ has level caps and this game uses the same engine.

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If you mean character level then max level in TQ is 85 - so itā€™s even less than in GD.

Itā€™s been a long time since Iā€™ve been tempted to respond to a thread with just ā€œNOPE /10charā€.

Skill point caps are not arbitrary.

There isnā€™t a skill-based game in existence that lets you get skill points indefinitely because doing so would undermine the concept of creating a build in the first place. Even Diablo 3ā€™s hamster-wheel Paragon system just lets you grind attributes forever and not skill points.

Your experience in the endgame seems to be rather limited to be making suggestions that outright eliminate the gameā€™s balance.


You donā€™t need to max out a full tree and it only rarely makes sense to even want to. There are some builds that would like 10 or 20 more points, but at some point youā€™re getting into stuff thatā€™s completely irrelevant to what youā€™re buildingā€¦ wrong damage type, spam attacks that you literally canā€™t use more than one of, and so on.

GD does a very good job of providing just enough restrictions that you have to make actual choices while still having an enormous amount of freedom (and easy respecs to change your choices later!).


It does have a level cap, like most RPGs do. Havenā€™t played a single one where you can just causally max out everything.

Also, why would you want to max out every skill? There are so many buttons you need to press before it becomes obnoxious to play. Most builds pick like two or three main damaging skills and build from that.

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Not to worry. Given that at present the character receives 1 skill point/level after 90, your character would need to be almost level 300 to max out ONE skill path. I believe that would take a very long time.

I understand your position, but your evaluation of my endgame experience is premature. I completed both expansions in normal level and battled in the shattered realm. Sure, there will always be more interesting and powerful items to pick up, more powerful monsters to fight, but I personally find incentive in the ability to level up after gaining an appropriate amount of experience. Like I said in a previous reply, you would have to have a character of nearly level 300 to have enough skill points to complete one entire skill set. I agree that most would not want to, but part of the fun is gaining experience, skill and attribute points. Iā€™ve made my point, youā€™ve made yours. You are the developers so I must accept your decision. I will continue to play this game regardless of the decisions because it is fun either way.

Better items? Level up your devotions? See if you can beat more difficult enemies.

Totally depends on your build. A lot of builds are capable of just facetanking almost everything.

The whole point of limited points is to make a challenge to find the right balance. If you just keep getting more and more, you can just blindly take everything and all builds will end up ā€˜the sameā€™.
So yes, theyā€™re necessary to create the character building game.

Level 226 to max out soldier, assuming youā€™re a phys/bleed shield build using Cadence+WPS, cooldown Blade Arc, cooldown Forcewave, max Blitz even though thatā€™s not ideal without CDR items for it, Counter Strike even though itā€™s bad without retal scaling, Veterancy even though itā€™s bad past a value point, both Break Morale and Terrify even though they donā€™t stack, full Squad Tactics even though thatā€™s not necessary on a bleed build, full Scars of Battle when you donā€™t need more than 5-7 after +skills to cap armor absorption with reasonable component setups, you donā€™t have more than +10 to any skill to hit hardcap, and you donā€™t take the points which literally do nothing (second exclusive skill) or make the build weaker (Tremor, Discord in this case).

Like I said, the value out of the extra points is questionable at best.

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I would love to see 300 skill points. Nightblade might be my favorite class, but I barely ever take it past 15. Iā€™ve played for 3k hours and Iā€™ve never used Blade Spirit. Itā€™s so far away.

Same deal with Demolitionist. Itā€™s a great support class, but every time I try to make a build using one of the grenades, thereā€™s not enough points for anything.

I totally feel you. Itā€™s so easy to take too many skills and not get good value out of them :smiley:
I still want to make a good grenade build, but at the same time I havenā€™t used half the nightblade skills. (And thereā€™s so much more to do yet!)

In order to even consider something like that feasible, they would have to remove all of the ā€œ+ skillā€ point modifiers on equipment and probably remove the ability to over-cap skills. You would essentially be blurring or removing the distinctive characteristics between builds.
Also, one of the products created by your suggestion would be that all builds become ā€œpiano-fiedā€. In some cases, you end up with so many manually activated skills that you have to frequently toggle between two hotbars. Wtf do we look like, Sergei Rachmaninoff? Mike Mangini?


I have to see what these builds look like because I have no trouble getting 1pt blade spirits on pierce Cadence Blademaster, which is a very skill point intensive build.

Same for grenade buildsā€¦ thereā€™s plenty of points to max Grenado+High Impact, Canister Bomb, Ulzuinā€™s Chosen, all the passives/auras you need, and push Arcanist all the way to the end for Star Pactā€™s CDR. If youā€™re trying to also max Blackwater Cocktail and Mortar Trap, itā€™s intentional that thereā€™s not enough points to have four different main damage skills.

Can you link me one of these grenade builds, because I canā€™t do it.

I havenā€™t played the game in a while. But this was one of my favourites.

Itā€™s a Retaliation grenadier build. I have a tonne of grenade builds tbh. I havenā€™t quite finished a cold based grenadier but very easy to make one.

I have a solution that nobody mentioned here yet: XP gain should be globally chopped down to 10 %. This would allow you to enjoy leveling much longer. Iā€™ve been suggesting this for years.

They confirmed other things too and changed their minds later.

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