Hi all, I was just wondering if summon skeletons are viable for all content in GD and if they are worth building around since I really enjoy them. I just had some questions as well if anyone can help me:
What masteries would pair best with summon skeletons
Is it worth it to keep summoning skeletons to get a specific type?
What gear sets would work best with summon skeletons?
What other pets would you pair with summon skeletons to make a minion army?
[1.2.03] Tanky Skeleton Cabalist - SR 90+ - SF - New Player Friendly. I’ve taken this build into SR with few issues, minions only being re-summoned when facing bosses above shard 40 on ultimate.
As for a specific type of skeleton, it’s random, so there’s no guarantee of what comes out the hat.
Look for posts by Skelemental and duskdeep86 for more advanced end game builds Grim Dawn Item Database
Skeletons can be really wimpy or end game viable, though they aren’t necessarily the best pets for some end game content (but can still work fine).
Cabalist would be my starting mastery for a skeleton build, to learn. It’s probably the most viable class for skeletons and very versatile as far as how you can build it out. But, ritualist, apostate, reaper, death knight, and others can all work well with skeletons.
Yes. Focus on a damage type or two you have rr for. Basically anything but pierce damage can work, but some damage types are better suited naturally to skeltons (elemental types, vitality).
Lots of random gear. The Lost Souls set si the default go-to set for skeletons, but you don’t need to use it to make a good build.
Any and all of them, work with what the mastery you choose gives you.
I will show you my take on subject when I reach my PC. Skeletons are viable for endgame and best with sets. So its sometimes not that easy to get the all needed items.
Hound cooldown - 1 second))
Kills the Ravager in one and a half to two minutes
Kills Callagadra in 4-5 minutes
This is in version 1.205
In version 1.21, judging by the reviews, the skeletons became completely helpless (the evil Lord Zedd reduced their physical resistance)