Auramancer Build?

Hi guys!
Is there a viable end-game Auramancer build that is not only for leveling?

Thanks, i saw these but they don’t seem to be end-game build, more like fun builds.

Well, you need attacks to proc a lot of devotions, and damage auras aren’t the most damaging either, so you’re never going to see a passive build that can do the all of the end game in Grim Dawn.

edit - added “all of the end game”, because technically they can do SR30-31 and Mog/Ravager.

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Well said @The_Mess

You can do end-game with them, it just depends on what you’re wanting to do! :smile: Totem farming, Rogue-like dungeon runs and the like should be fine. Pushing 170 CR or 30+ SR - doubtful.


My Shieldbreaker from that Passivist thread can do SR75 (now SR30?) just fine, I consider that endgame viable.


i think both Protoss and Banana did an aura build that made it to end?, although that was some updates ago :sweat_smile:

iirc from the discord someone even made an ember’s calling passive build that made it to sr85+ at the time? :thinking:

if anything that build should be better because agrivix set no longer converts vindictive flame to aether with the most recent patch and it got an overall buff.

chaos vindictive flame + chaos counter strike maybe?

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i did a (poor) chaos embers vf+counter strike with retal that was, not amazing, but workable on a low performance meme tolerance level, banana did a good but active version with cadence
but iirc it was passive aura fire dmg Ember’s version i was thinking off, but it’s been ages so i’m unsure if it was a shieldbreaker, purifier or even saboteur :thinking:

what is ur " end game " like u mean aura build that can do sr75/80 or aura build that can do the hardest dungeon like alkamos etc… or aura build that can do celestial bosses like what you to do with your aura build ? cuz its fine if u get like lets say an aura build who can do sr but not all celestial bosses or non of them if a build can do one those end game content that ive mentioned mean thats an end game build imo. its like path of exile game where some builds are only for clearing maps and not all of them and cant do any uber bosses and there is builds that can do uber bosses and the hardests bosses but are rly bad in maps.

not all builds is intended to do Celestials as per the dev’s on reasoning, so they shouldn’t “really” generally be included in that metric
That said, i wouldn’t be surprised if some celestials could be included in an actual aura build, it would just require ludicrous patience, like the old retal warlord that took 30mins to AFK Calla, just even lonoger :laughing:


Depending on what the definition for what an “Aura build” is… Do these auras need to come from your character exclusively ?

Would the auras from Guardians of Empyrion or Wind devil count ?
If so, there are a ton of really good options.

Would auras that need to be activated from time to time also count ? (Like Judgment’s heart of wrath, or Siphon soul)

Would it need to be EXCLUSIVELY based on the aura ?
For example, I have a build that’s quite fun that uses a really maxed out Aura of Censure… but I also use Olexra’s flash freeze for that sweet -140% fire RR to make it more effective…

Maybe we could find something that’s in-line with what you want if we had more info about what is it that you’re looking for :slight_smile:

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