Auto Gold Pickup

Due to popular demand, we’ve gone ahead and implemented auto gold pickup.

Of course, in this case, we have iron coins instead of gold but you get the point. :wink:

When you walk near sacks of coins they will automatically be added to your inventory, a little sparkly effect plays, and a number pops up showing you how much iron you just collected.

In multiplayer when a player collects coins, they will be evenly distributed to everyone in the group.

Very good idea for single player (after all, who leaves gold behind?). Not one for multiplayer, so don’t know how folks will take it.

Woot! +1 GD!

I felt that the way Diablo did this was great. It split gold up for players upon pickup. +1 GD, indeed.

LOL good grief.

Thank you for adding this feature!


P.S.: Will the experience meter work the same way as in TQ? I like how ‘new’ experience points showed up as yellow for a few seconds after they were gained before that segment of the bar turned green. It was a subtle but intuitive reminder of a player’s progress.

Does iron sparkle?

…but seriously, huzzah. I always disabled gold drops in TQ because i couldn’t face chasing down every coin (which is probably more of a comment on the Economy more than anything else)

Look at it this way:

If there are more people in game picking up gold then despite the fact that you have to split it up X times, you’re picking it up X times faster.

My mouse button and I thank you.

Oh yes! I hope it does. After playing IT, then going back to TQ and not having that, it does make a difference. It’s also fun to go on a rampage and try filling the bar with yellow. It’s pretty fun. :slight_smile:

No, it is TOTALLY different now. New experience is highlighted for a few seconds and then turns to a gold color. As you can see, we’ve made some major changes here. :stuck_out_tongue:

Edit - actually there is one more noticeably change, which is that the bar is now more prominently displayed on the top of the bottom panel instead of at the bottom of the bottom panel where it was tough to see while playing.

Good news, both of them, thank you. :slight_smile:

It sounds great that of “Due to popular demand”, thanks one more time for give us this opportunity to take part in this.

Skorpion, random question. Is that avatar from Age of Empires? If so good game.

Does the sparkly effect come with a soundeffect? I wanna walk over a dead boss and get that spammy pickup sound.

It sure does!

Every small change count! Glad the auto ‘iron’ pickup finally implemented! Anything that doesn’t take inventory space should be auto pickup-ed.

Got any SS for us?:wink:

Awesome! Though, I figured such a compromise might take place, I’m glade to see this in the game!

Might I only suggest this - increase the radius at which the player collect the Iron, if only to rid ourselves of even more useless clicking that might take place if iron dropped 2 feet from each other.

Ugh, too much change for me!! Seriously though, thanks for being so responsive to the fan base and for adding or preserving these small features.

Since you’ve mentioned the interface, is there any chance that we’ll get a peek at it sooner or later?
