Autoloot feature

well, if ARPGs generally do not have that feature, then I am not sure why you are expecting it

it’s kinda like me expecting my new car to fly, just because planes exist…

if this demand gets ignored by and large, that still does not explain where your expectation comes from, at most it would explain why you would wish it were included

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I have developed mine over the years as the amount of loot has increased. Not sure how I handled loot in WoW, but I also did not play PvP. After playing for so long I know most of the time, if an item is good by looking at it’s name.

This is how it looks like:

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You see, the problem lies here. A lot of veteran players and maybe even Crate thinks that it’s not necessary because you will outgrow it very fast. But the leveling up stage is the stage when it will decide whether the player will stay on longer. I’m not saying that the autoloot all will determine everything but it is a QoL that is not available anywhere else like the rotating camera and it will add brownie points for the game. So, why not just implement it? It’s not going to break the game. And it’s not as if I don’t browse through the items before selling them. I look through every item, even Yellows, because there may be some items having some absurd resistances or (edit: internet broke off and my post got cut off) stats that I need at the moment to deal with a boss or quest.

if you want to do something that makes no sense, don’t expect the game to support you in that

it’s not about whether it can be done, it is about whether it should be done, and Crate’s answer to that is ‘no’

I really don’t think the problem lies there at all. If anything I wish I would have known out the gate that I didn’t need to waste any time with that foolishness.

Look, if Crate decided to implement it, as a toggle, I’d be like good for you guys. Rock on. But to suggest that it is “expected” is ridiculous and I can never subscribe to that notion… because it isn’t true.

Well that’s what I suspected but can you press Arrows while standing in the same place / not moving to display the item below the one that’s in the screenshot (Void Touch Balegor…)? When I press Arrows I just cast skills / Town Portal (because I have them bound to arrows).

I also paid and I do not mind picking up by pressing a button.

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I can understand that you might feel overwhelmed and ganged up on. Many of us regulars here are a hard-crowd to please and you need your ducks in a row with these types of suggestions because we have argued on them many, many times prior - but if anything I hope it made you think deeper on the many aspects of your arguments for <insert argument here>.

Just a heads up you do not have to post suggestions publicly and go thru our particular mine-field. You can appeal to Crate directly and behind the scenes…

…just go there and press the button.

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I have also bound skills to my D-pad buttons, but they are not executed if you target an item. Instead arrow-up and -down allows you to scroll through your loot. That includes items, which are out of reach, but if you press A, your char will walk into pick-up range and pick it up.

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We paid and received the product which works as advertised. This is not early access. :smile:

I don’t get this way of thinking. Do you receive updates to your vacuum cleaner?

As for the actual subject: I don’t care if :crate: adds this as long as it’s optional.

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it would help if you had said ‘I’d really like an auotloot feature’ rather than ‘I paid for the game and expect some basic features every other game has’ (paraphrasing here) when in fact most other games do not have it either

Most of the feedback is calling you out on that, and saying that Crate won’t add it (they know some people would like it, they haven’t added it yet, you do the math), not attacking you / your wish for it.

So don’t feel ganged up upon if you do, but refrain from making overly broad statements that simply are not true, that is bound to get some pushback


Indeed. Most the threads like these that go down in flames it usually boils down to bad wording/claims, or aggressiveness. The OP here kept his cool for the most part and took it well enough so I figured he deserved at least a bit of an olive branch.

why are you looting yellows ? :confounded:

he wanna sell them for 200 iron bits each? :wink:

Don’t quote me on this, but I believe Zantai has said something along the lines that he currently doesn’t want autoloot for items because it makes the game feel more and more like it’s playing itself. It’s why it took so long for autoloot for components and components combining itself on their own.

Also, the devs have done something in a recent patch that there’s more iron bits from loot sources and that items sell for less, and it’s done specifically to discourage players from picking everything up to sell later.

that would almost be a reason for me to stop! That’s fucking wrong. why did the developers then not immediately take all the garbage out of the game which always drops there, instead of reasonable equipment. sry but that’s stupid! and to all those who think they don’t need to plunder… I don’t think they left most of them at the beginning, because they need the iron at the forged. the production there is far from cheap. and instead of always making the other players so arrogant, they should remember that they started small themselves. Just because you use all the functions of the game you get smiled at. that is not to be overbearing in arrogance!!!

Because it is an integral part of the ARPG genre. And if game only dropped items that are good for your build, it would be also along the lines of “playing itself” and holding your hand like Diablo 3.

I started the game fresh many times, I recently did 4 new chars, from scratch - not using a single item or blueprint found by any other character. It was pretty easy for me to take them into ultimate endgame.

You have more hours in this game than me by the way.

Because what might be useless to you might be useful for someone else.


Believe me, the garbage I mean, it’s no use to anyone. apart from the grey parts, there are also yellow things where you can get your head on and wonder what the developer was thinking…

the gray items stops to drop pretty quick. Yellow items can be good actually. Like Impervious of Readiness etc