Autoloot feature

White items i believe stop dropping at level 10, and it can take like an hour to reach that level.

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You were becoming unreasonable in your own separate, completely unrelated thread and now you have transferred over to a new thread and your unreasonable mentality is shining thru again.

You should just stop while you’re ahead.

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Really no idea what you’re getting at here, some implication that cause we succeeded as a business we’ve somehow become out of touch with the product we made? The product we ourselves have played thousands of hours? The one we’ve gone back to the beginning of repeatedly to tune the starting experience until it felt perfect?

To call our decisions built upon personal experience both as players and developers arrogant is an interesting choice of words. I understand when frustration stemming from a game experience can cause a person to lash out without thinking things through, but eventually it’s time to take a breath and reflect upon what the core of the problem is, or what is being posted on a very public space.

Making the game less tedious by having most of your income come from iron drops as opposed to having to sell seems like a good thing to me. Motivation to vacuum up everything dropped considerably.

Those that wish to squeeze every penny out of their loot can still sell excess items, but it’s not as critical as it once was.

Developer was thinking…let’s make white items stop dropping shortly after they become useless and let’s cull all useless affixes from the loot pool so the ones that do drop can still fill gaps on the way to endgame. Then, let’s reduce the number of items that drop since the average item quality has increased thus resulting in less crap on the ground to look at to begin with.

Auto-loot is a slippery slope in a game that revolves around looting. There are items everyone wants to pick up (ex. potions, crafting materials, components), and then there are items that should require some thought process, mainly all of the equipment.

I also find it interesting that someone would expect this as a feature to begin with. I can’t think of any game I’ve played…ever…that has something like that baseline. It’s almost as if games with loot expect some player agency in regards to gathering loot.

If you are looting every single thing that drops on the ground, the question should be more: do you need to? As opposed to expecting us to support such gameplay.

And then there’s modding. We as developers always pursue what we believe, based on our experience, to benefit the majority of the player base. I can say with confidence that most players are not in fact picking up every single thing on the screen. Where players disagree with us, we allow modding.

As was pointed out, Grim Internals supports auto looting Rares. That is not something we would make as a feature in the game, but clearly someone out there liked it and made it possible. Likewise, mods exist for other features, such as coloring tooltips for damage types/etc.

Personally, I don’t want my tooltips looking like this…

But others do. Thus modding!

I hope that clears up some things in this thread and turns the temperature down a few degrees…


I replayed Final Fantasy VII last year and by default you get all the loot after a fight… :stuck_out_tongue: Well, you still need to press a button to close the dialog. That is not true auto-looting.

Mobile games.

Guild Wars 2 has this as an option, and to even unlock that option you actually need to have gone well past levelcap.

Gotta say, though - it feels quite seamless and quite nice in GW2…provided you have a big enough inventory to last a few meta-events’ worth of loot!

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at the beginning the yellow items are useful, at level 20 to 30 you pretty much start ignoring them unless you find something exceptionally good

no, if you spend all your money at the blacksmith that early, you are just wasting money. All of these items will be obsolete in the next 10-15 levels and it does not really matter one bit which item you use at that time.

disagreeing with you does not make one arrogant

I really LOL’ed at most of the responses here. I made a suggestion and someone immediately attacked me with “go make a mod yourself” which I responded accordingly. Then, another person used this response to further attack me. What a great forum this is.

I also LOL’ed at “it is Crate’s game so they can do whatever they want”. Try to do that with little to no customer support and you will see how far Crate can go.

Like I said before, just because there is no precedence does not mean the players do not want a certain feature. As @Ceno has said, nowadays mobile games and GW2 give loot vaccum options. The gaming experiences at these games are seamless because you do not need to stop to loot and can just move on to your next objective. Some mobile games are even selling loot vaccum as an add on and you can see the players’ characters vacuuming loot wherever they go and these players are the majority. Off my mind, I can think of Maple Story. I’m sure there are tons of mobile games offering this feature.

Also, why is a player’s playing style being pounded upon? 1 player may want to pick and choose while another player wants to take everything and take their own sweet time to browse through everything, is that wrong and the reason to be criticized?

@Zantai, maybe you should go look at the psychology behind gathering loot. It is not whether the loot is useful or whether the person has given any thought process to looting an item. It is a feel of satisfaction that a player feels when he/she sees the loot going into their bags. And when you magnify it to vacuuming all the loot after finishing SR, the satisfaction is enormous. This signifies that the player has completed a task and the rewards are there for the player’s keeping. Who cares if the items are useful or not, I just want to have the feel of satisfaction seeing all the loot go into my bags before I even consider their usefulness.

This will be my last post on this forum. Apparently, Steam and Reddit forums are much more friendly and open to discussions without resorting to playing style attacks and forcing everyone to play the same way. Have fun showing off your superiority to other newbies.

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Thanks for the tip!


Just so we’re clear, I wasn’t advocating one way or another here.

A massive difference between the loot in mobile games or GW2 and Grim Dawn is how varied that loot is and the reasonings behind picking up that loot. In mobile games/GW2, loot that you don’t want can be quickly disassembled for crafting mats (or in GW2’s case, occasionally sold on an Auction House for a profit). Both of these actions can be done on-the-spot with little hassle. Moreover, loot is fairly static in these games. There isn’t a lot of depth when it comes to random rolls or affixes, and what randomized items do exist are usually inferior to Uniques.

In Grim Dawn, however, disassembling is a more involved process that requires resource input (Dynamite) from the player and an optional questline to unlock. Things you don’t want can’t (immediately) be sold to other players, though they can be sold to merchants. However, the need to do that has been substantially nerfed relative to immediate monetary drops so as to dissuade the feeling that players should be compelled to loot everything. Items are also more complicated and need a good looking-at to determine whether they’re of any value to yourself or to other players.

There’s probably a psychological component that goes in to picking something up that rewards players with some sense of accomplishment for having earned that loot drop, but I’m not necessarily sure it outweighs the pain and tedium of inventory management which would be overwhelmingly exacerbated by autoloot.

Autoloot functions very well in certain loot systems. Personally, I do not believe GD possesses a loot system that autoloot would be very welcomed in.

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you can LOL all you want, that sentence is still true. They make the game they want it to be, you are free to like that game or not, you are not free to expect them to add whatever idea you come up with

As to how far Crate can go, this game sold a lot more than needed to break even, no autoloot does not seem to have had much of an impact

yes, and as you have shown by posting requests like this for other games that do not have this either, just because some players want a feature does not mean it gets added

I don’t think your playstyle was attacked, but your attitude / entitlement to a feature that is not common was

I can confidently say you won’t be missed, and I very much doubt that you have more luck in other forums


I gotta say @wulunzun you have made me fully regret this bit.^^ and that’s a shame.

Well, I can speak confidently for my Steam brethren when I say that if you come in like you have with this post here, if you think this forum is bad the Steam sub is going to eat you alive. I patiently await your arrival.


Are we a bit snowflake are we? When people don’t agree with you - are you really attacked?

Here you showed some very nice respectful discussion techniques:

The amount of sold products and the reviews speaks for themselves.

Ok bye!


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