Awesome Crucible

They’re in his little speeches that he uses from time to time while you’re in the middle of a wave. Can’t read them anywhere.

Today i manage to complete the first difficulty by finishing 150 waves. :smiley:
I do think the fights are really chaotic, but still pretty fun.

Managed to kill “Zantarin, the Immortal” he is nasty to fight with my melee commando. Just did some short fight and retreat and luckily he didn’t one shot me or something. I wonder what kind of attack he uses for that, it seems to be some sort of chaos think he shoots i think.

Zantarin deals vitality damage

nope, it was definitely sold as a loot fest. if you read the devs frothing over the gambling system for rewards they made that the centerpiece.

the combat IS a ton of fun, for sure. but we can’t pretend it’s anywhere near campaign in terms of reward- it’s far too time consuming.

now naturally they can fix all that with a hotfit, so i’m curious to see what they do :rolleyes:

If ppl are getting multiple legendaries on aspirant difficulty… well, what’s the point of gladiator when? i did 70waves on glad - died, then did 60 - stopped to get “rewards” - not a single purple stuff was out there, feelsbad