B17 - Hotfix v0.2.3.4 (Changelog)

Its only normal difficulty, epic will be fun :wink:

Yeah lol Can’t wait for epic mode.

It’s normal to facerape anything in the game right now. The game isn’t base on the fact that you are playing with 200 hrs and twinked to hell. No?

eh? Try 12 hours first playthrough… not even farmed and I did SoT with ease at lv 35 to…

its normal mode, id be suprised if u cudnt

What’s your build ? Also, I can’t help but feel that this is quite an exageration.

Suddenly had performance problems. When I restarted, Grim Dawn installed a new dependency. (Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile)

just got update from 40.9 mb. hot fix for what??

I think these are connected.

Might mean some bug fixes and maybe performance improvements?

Considering the only thing that was added was the installer for the .Net Framework 4.0 Client Profile and a few files for Steam to install it I don’t see how this should affect the game (which is C/C++ and LUA only) in any way, shape or form…

Last night I reinstalled my computer and when I installed Grim Dawn from steam I opened it, created a test Char, quit, deleted the test and copied my saved characters over then reopened GD… and it updated before it opened.

I was wondering about that update too…

Witch hunter and its far from exageration lol. I got to lv 35 in 12 hours and finished SoT with a 300dps build completely unfarmed. I am now over 800dps farmed. Didnt think this was tough to believe or id take a screenie at the time

A pet build caused me to gain exp much faster and clear areas easier.

Edit: Grim dawn updated? What was added / fixed?

Here is current time and farmed… and im only now 19 hours after farming for roughly 7 hours from small bursts of play. Its really not hard to fully clear all areas and reach lv35 in 12 hours with a pet build I found. It took me 20 hours with my blademaster however.

My dps dropped some cause I wanted to use salazars blade over my other weapon ^^

Maybe some mod tools are on the way! :smiley:

I enjoy making request posts for what was changed in the last push again. Can we get a post?

No changes to report, it was just a redistributable being downloaded.

It wasn’t the 12 hours I found hard, it was the non-farmed SoT being a cakewalk :wink:

Maybe it’s the pet build, I usually avoid pets as I don’t like tagging along behind some summons, still curious about the build though

So I may have found the solution :slight_smile:
Maybe, just saying, you could try some build that you may like but isn’t super op as your pet build and play with items to get most out of it. There’s no competition right now, just experimentation.

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Well, after being without internet for the last 4 weeks and playing in off line mode with an outdated version; I guess the rather long feedback draft I made about how rare affixes are underwhelming due to the power of attributes and more so % attributes on magic affixes… can remain as a draft after seeing the hotfix today.


I also made a thread about the whole rare issue. I really do hope rares get a better overhaul and make them more unique and much more attractive or atleast have that potential.

It feels rares are simply downed blues since they all have set in stone stats and basically your trying to find specific rares much like you look for specific blues. I much rather rares be more mysterious and allow more a much larger variety for the same rare name affix’s such as my idea was having the chances to roll bonus random stat / ability depending on the level of that base affix. Would make hunting so much more awesome.