B26 Hotfix 3 (v0.3.4.8)

v0.3.4.8 (b26 hotfix 3)


  • Fixed a physics related crash.

[Class & Skills]

  • Fixed an issue with Grenado not properly benefiting from Ulzuin’s Chosen
  • Agonizing Flames now has resistance reduction again - apparently people were using it and it seems that straight %dmg bonuses were not seen as a very worthy investment by themselves.
  • Stun / Quick Jacks targeting range changed to “long” and damage adjusted up slightly.
  • Full spread electrocution scaling adjusted up slightly.
  • Flame Touched fire and lightning modifiers increased.


  • Pet innate damage / life scaling reduced. These numbers were set long ago, before the introduction of all the pet gear and other class pet buffs and needed to come down.
  • Manipulation scaling reduced.
  • Raven AI adjusted so that it should attempt to buff the player / allies more with storm spirit.

Already got it!

Increased performance compared to hotfix 2? Coincidence?

Excellent, looking forward to building a Demolitionist!

Nice change to pblades. Made me laugh :stuck_out_tongue:

Awesome! Thanks Rhis and team. Now go take a break! :slight_smile:

What exactly does “targeting range changed to ‘long’” mean in the context of Grim Dawn?

Also, thanks for another sleepless night. Seriously guys, take a rest, it’s a Saturday!

Lol didn’t see this at first. This is rediculous.

Extra projectiles on pblades was unintended and has been reverted.

It’s the range your character has to be from the target to start casting. It is different from the distance a projectile can travel.

…would you mind considering doing this for Bloody Pox as well?

Two hotfixes in two days? Goddamn guys take a day off or something.

Summoner’s nerfed again???!! WTF?! Joke, mines still hit 5500+crit lololol

Btw, B26 is really neat. I like the fix/change you doing on all kind of build especially the ones you did with summoner’s. Keep up the great work, keep giving us more and mooooaaaar possibility ! ty

(btw i really agree with the change you did on summoner’s. With augment and new items, we had too much possibility.)

Thank you for all your hard work, getting the new Build and Hotfixes out ultra-fast! You are amazing and so is your game!

Thans again for the hotfixes, guys.

You really are a “Devoted” team :wink:

Phantasmal Blades got a slight nerf agin? At lvl 16 it used to have 40 piercing dmg now only 38. If you nerf something at least state it in the patch notes please

Thanks for the Storm spirit fix. For the pet nerfs however…but it was needed after all :cry:

Thought it was previously 38 at cap? My bad if that’s the case, I can’t remember what I did at 4am last night (aside from apparently putting the projectile spread values in the projectile number field by mistake).

I think we should set some rather large nocturnal carnivore loose in Crates office, maybe that would keep you lunatics away from work at least during nights. Also is there a predator that sleeps during the week and hunts during weekends?

It was 40 as I mentioned here in my post
You guys definetely should have some rest : ) and thanks for your hard work!

does this mean we are getting a hotfix 4 soon? :slight_smile: